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From closure to new beginnings and name, the Mustard Seed Food Pantry is now open in Bergen

By Press Release
Submitted photo.

Press Release:

The North Bergen Food Pantry, located at the North Bergen Presbyterian Church, closed its doors at the end of 2023 as its 200-year-old church was closing permanently. 

Since the pantry has a new location there was a need to change the name. The committee met and the name: Mustard Seed Food Pantry seemed to fit perfectly. The mustard seed is referenced in several excerpts from the Bible.

The Mustard Seed Food Pantry is operated by volunteers in coordination with Foodlink (Rochester) and overseen by a board of directors. It operates in cooperation with the Bergen United Methodist Church at their location in the town of Bergen. The pantry is open monthly on the 2nd Thursday from 5 – 8 p.m. and the last Saturday from 9 a.m. – noon. There are handicap entrances and volunteers available to help get the food to your car. Everyone is welcome!

If you would like to donate food or volunteer, please contact Pastor Dave at 585-290-5487. If you would like to donate to this great cause, please send checks made out to: Bergen United Methodist Church, please add “Pantry” in the memo line. Mail to BUMC, PO Box 216, Bergen. Donors will receive an end of the year statement from the Church for tax purposes.

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