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Press Release:
Three famous residents of the Historic Batavia Cemetery attended a 200th-anniversary tea party at The Holland Land Office Museum on Sunday, July 23. Joseph Ellicott, his sister Rachel Ellicott Evans, and the infamous William Morgan regaled the crowd with stories of their fortunes and misfortunes in the early nineteenth century.
The Ellicotts were thrilled to be visited by their descendant cousins, David Ellicott and his daughter, Rachel Ellicott, who came from Poughkeepsie and Brooklyn to attend the tea.
Two more teas with sweet treats and savory bites are scheduled. Dean and Mary Richmond and Eli Fish will visit on August 20, and General John Martindale, Albert Brisbane, and Reverend John Yates will appear on September 17th at 2 p.m. Reservations are required and tickets, which are $25, $20 for HLOM members, may be obtained by calling the museum at 343-4727. Space is limited!

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