Eric J. Merritt, 35, of Buffalo, is charged with felony DWI, aggravated unlicensed operation 1st, driving without an ignition interlock, and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. Merrit was charged following a motor vehicle accident reported on Oct. 29 on West Main Street, Batavia. He allegedly left the scene of the accident. Merritt reportedly has two prior DWI convictions in the past 10 years. He was arraigned in City Court and released.
Danny D. Williams, 36, of Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 1st. Williams is accused of violating an order of protection on Nov. 5 by being with the protected person. He was arraigned and jailed.
Kyle N. Kendall, 20, of Batavia, and Aiyana J. Luke, 25, of Batavia, are both charged with criminal mischief, 2nd, reckless endangerment of property, and City Code violation for unnecessary noise. Kendall and Luke are accused of causing damage to city-owned parking lot on Liberty Street on Oct. 19. They were arrested on Nov. 2 They were arraigned and released.
Alicia M. Lyons, 45, of Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 1st, menacing 2nd, nd harassment 2nd. Lyons is accused of fighting with another person on Oct. 27 in violation of an order protection. She was arraigned and released.
Alexander C. Colon-Colon, 30, of Batavia, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing. Colon-Colon is accused of fighting with another person on Oct. 31, placing his hands around that person's next, and as a result, the person was unable to breathe. He was issued an appearance ticket and released.
Jerry N. Stephens, 42, of Rochester, was arrested Oct. 30 on a warrant. He was issued a misdemeanor traffic ticket on May 13. The warrant was issued after he allegedly failed to appear in court. He was arraigned in City Court and released.
Perrion T. Swan, 34, of Rochester, was arrested on Oct. 31 on a warrant. The warrant was issued for Swan when he allegedly failed to appear in court after being issued a misdemeanor traffic ticket on Aug 20. He was arraigned and released.
Brandon M. Weig, 37, of Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th. Weig is accused of possessing crack cocaine on July 26. Weig was arrested on Nov. 5 and issued an appearance ticket.