The 4th Annual Musicians of Note celebrates five inductees to the Class of 2023
Last evening at Batavia High School, the fourth annual “Musicians of Note” paid tribute to honorees of the Class of 2023.
This year’s honorees were:
- Diana Dipson Class of 1929, 1911-1997
- Melanie “Melzie” Lakin Case, Class of 2012
- Deanna Spiotta, Class of 2005
- Brian Fontaine-Isaac, Class of 2001
- Gloria McLauglin, retired music teacher, 1970-1989
The 2022 Musicians of Note honoree Mark Hoerbelt was recognized last evening, as he was unable to attend last year.
Each candidate was recognized for their music successes in high school, college and post-education studies by a tribute video narrated by the Master of Ceremonies Paul Spiotta. Some of the candidates each performed on stage with their music of choice, accompanied by students and staff.
The school district honored two very dear colleagues and supporters of the Batavia Music Department.
First was James Owen, son of Frank E. Owen, a strong supporter of the music department at BHS. He contributed scholarships, served on the Committee of Musicians of Note and was praised for his kindness, generosity, passion and sense of humor.
Second was previous BHS band director, 2001 Musicians of Note honoree, Ken Hay, who taught many students at BHS and made a strong impact for 20 years. He was remembered by many for his inspiration, talent and nurturing of the students he taught.
Superintendent Jason Smith spoke highly and dearly of both Jim Owen and Ken Hay, who recently passed away in his opening remarks along with congratulating the Class of 2023 inductees, ending with a quote from Jimi Hendrix, “Music doesn’t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.”
The Musician of Note Committee is accepting nominations for next year's honorees though October. You may find the application for the Musician of Note on BCSD Website or email JHaggett@bataviacsd.org to have one emailed to you personally for future nominations or click here.
The above photo is provided. Pictured left to right, Gloria McLauglin, Mark Hoerbelt ( Class of 2022 inductee ) Deanna Spiotta, Brian Fontaine-Isaac, Melanie Lakin Case “Melzie”, not pictured Diana Dipson.
To view or purchase photos, click here.
Photos by Steve Ognibene

Pictured left to right, Jane Haggett-Paladino Music Department Chairperson, Jason Smith BCSD Superintendent, Paul Kesler, BHS Principal, Melzie Case, Class of 2023 Inductee

Melanie "Melzie" Case, Class of 2012

Deanna Spiotta, Class of 2005

Brian Fontaine-Isaac, Class of 2001

Gloria McLaughlin - Retired Music Teacher 1970-1989

Mark Hoerbelt - 2022 Musicians of Note Inductee