Press release:
Due to the volume of snow that fell in the last 24 hours, approximately two feet, the cleanup process will take time to complete for City staff and for residents alike. While this was not the worst snow event that the community has seen, it was certainly significant.
“I would like to take the time to remind residents and business owners that we will continue to make our best efforts to clear the City streets and remove snow from City owned parking lots. These are the primary target areas that our Public Works staff focuses on, and then sidewalk clearing as time allows,” said Rachael J. Tabelski, City Manager, City of Batavia.
“In terms of students who walk to school, there are many sidewalks that have been cleaned and snow removed, however, there still remains some sidewalks that are not passable. This presents a hazard that could force students to have to walk in the street. I ask that parents and guardians take this under advisement if they have children that walk, and we urge drivers to be more alert and understand the difficult conditions in the City at this time,” said Jason Smith, Superintendent, Batavia City School District.
”If pedestrians are forced to walk in the streets due to sidewalks being unpassable, pedestrians should walk facing traffic and wear bright colored and reflective clothing. Pedestrians should also be sure to cross at intersections using crosswalks whenever they are visible.” said Shawn Heubusch, Police Chief, City of Batavia, “Drivers should always be more cautious after snow events and keep an eye out for pedestrians in the streets.”
Snow operations by the City of Batavia have run continuously from 10 p.m. on Sunday, January 16th until 8 AM Tuesday, January 25th with the primary objective of fighting the snow to allow for safe vehicular traffic. Now that the snow event is over, snow removal will begin.
“For the most part, the snowfall was uniformed within the City. The City ran a full plow run, 14 pieces of equipment and personal, for over 36 hours during the snow event. The long duration events are the most taxing on staff and equipment,” said Ray Tourt, Superintendent Bureau of Maintenance.
The city has fielded a few complaints regarding clearing sidewalks in the last 24 hours. The Batavia Municipal Code (BMC) Chapter 159-8 explains that property owners have the responsibility to clear snow and ice from sidewalks, however as staffing allows, the City will remove snow from sidewalks. The cleanup process will take time for City staff and for residents alike.
Photo: By Howard Owens. A city plow clearing the parking lot on at Center Street and School Street yesterday morning.
I kinda hope the city finds
I kinda hope the city finds time to plow the sidewalks on Ellicott Street soon because I walk to a lot of stores and work and seeing most of the sidewalks still buried in heavy snow makes it harder for people like me to move around the city on foot. Plus I don't always feel safe walking on the side of the road especially on a busy street like Ellicott Street so I'll be happier and feel safer moving around the city on foot once all of the sidewalks have been plowed.