A motor possible motor vehicle accident is reported in the area of 7033 Alleghany Road, Alabama.
Dispatchers and hear a horn beeping and four-ways flashing but no voice response on the open 9-1-1 call.
Alabama Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.
Dispatchers checking on the availability of Mercy Flight. Mercy Flight is going on in-air standby.
Law enforcement is on scene and reports the vehicle about 100 feet off the road.
UPDATE 5:29 p.m.: Mercy Flight requested to the scene. CPR in progress. Mercy Flight is coming from Olean with a 30-minute ETA.
UPDATE 8:03 p.m.: From Alecia Kaus/Video News Service: According to the Sheriff's Department, the driver of the vehicle had a medical issue and drove off the west shoulder of the roadway as it was headed south on Rt. 77. The driver, a male in his mid-50s, then called 911. When medical and fire crews arrived, the driver was unresponsive. The driver passed away on the scene.
UPDATE 11:32 p.m.: The Sheriff's Office has issued a press release about the incident. At 5:17 p.m., emergency dispatch received a call from the On-Star reporting that emergency services were needed in the area of 7033 Route 77 in the Town of Alabama. Upon arrival, patrols found a 2009 Ford 150 a field about 50 yards off the west should of the roadway. The vehicle appeared to have little damage. The lone male occupant was unresponsive and responders believed he had suffered a medical incident. Life-saving measures were attempted. The driver was identified as Mark R. Morlock, 55, of Cheektowaga. Morlock was pronounced dead at the scene. The Sheriff's Office is conducting an ongoing investigation. Alabama Fire and Mercy EMS assisted at the scene.
Photo by Alecia Kaus/Video News Service.