Just over an hour or so ago, cat owner David Austin emailed us to let everyone know his cat "Spot" was found and is home safely. You'll recall he went missing last weekend from his city residence.
"We found him hiding in a covered-up boat. Before I did though, I dug up a big part of my 145-year-old barn floor. There are gofer tunnels under there."
So, we can surmise that Spot felt duty bound to hunt the varmints. He heard a higher calling and answered it nobly. For shame thinking he was out for self-indulgent amusement when there's obviously work to be done on the property by an expert -- veritable catacombs to search for burrowing pests!
Spot's latest photo with that pointed expression tells the whole story. "You gotta problem with that?!"
Previously: Don't beam him up, Scotty! This cat is missing from MacArthur Drive and State Street