Press release:
The Genesee County STOP-DWI and Youth Bureau are having their Annual Night at the Ballpark on Wednesday, July 17th at Dwyer Stadium. The first 200 youth under 16 can get in free to the event. You can redeem your free ticket at the box office that night!
There will also be free Muckbucks or T-shirts to the first 200 youth, and more than 500 prizes and giveaways on hand. A chance to win a bike from Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle will be given away this night.
A variety of educational booths will be on hand, including one with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office with child ID kits. In addition to the ballgame, a magician will entertain from 6-8 p.m.
Sarah Palermo from GCASA’s Victim Impact Panel will be throwing out the first pitch!
All of this is made possible from our wonderful sponsors and contributors: GCASA, Genesee County Interagency, Genesee County Sheriff’s Association, Kiwanis Club of Batavia, United Memorial Medical Center, United States Gypsum Co, The Original Red Osier Landmark Restaurant, Western New York Association of Chiefs of Police, Salmon Orthodontics, Gerace Realty, Polish Falcons, Loyal Order of the Moose, Tops Friendly Markets, and Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle.
Gates open at 6 p.m. and the game starts at 7:05.
Photo: Undersheriff Brad Mazur, Asst. County Manager/STOP DWI Coordinator Matt Landers, Asst. Police Chief Todd Crossett, Chelsea Green, John Roche, owner of Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle, Joanne Amon, Sheriff William Sheron Jr.