Above, production still from "Paranormal High." Photo by Sandy Auer.
Press release and submitted photos.
BERGEN -- On Friday, June 7, the Byron-Bergen Adapted Arts class premiered their original movie, "Paranormal High." Taught by Jr./Sr. High Art teacher Sandy Auer, the class incorporates visual and performing arts for Special Education students.
“This class traditionally puts on a play, but some of the students were nervous about performing before a live audience,” Auer said. “The project evolved into a movie. Everyone had a really fun time and we had 100-percent participation.”
The students developed the movie concept and wrote the script in which a specter is accidently released into the Jr./Sr. High School as a result of the ongoing construction projects. The students worked on the props and costumes and acted the major roles.
They were joined in front of the camera by other Byron-Bergen students and staff including a cameo by Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School Principal Pat McGee.
The Adapted Arts class hosted Byron-Bergen students and faculty in the Jr./Sr. High School Auditorium for the premiere. After an introduction from Auer, the 12-minute film screened to tumultuous applause. A reception followed with refreshments and the opportunity to congratulate the cast members.
“Watching the movie was fun and it was great to see smiling faces in the audience,” said senior Adapted Arts student Kae Yun.
Below, production still from "Paranormal High." Photo by Sandy Auer.

Below, the cast of "Paranormal High." Photo by Gretchen Spittler.