Charles Raymond Sutherland looks seaward in September 2017 from a jetty on Pierpont Beach, Ca. A friend took the picture five months before his death due to an accidental drug overdose. He was the youngest son of Billie Owens.
Bright Futures Genesee is holding its inaugural Remembrance & Hope event from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 14, at Genesee County Park & Forest.
You are invited to this special time to remember loved ones we have lost as well as to share hope for those in recovery.
"There's so much meaness out there, and shame," said Bright Futures Director Sue Gagne. "We wanted to do something where people can share their pain and feel supported. We want to give people hope."
Individuals, friends, family members and allies of recovery are welcome.
Walk through the park, reflect, and enjoy live music.
Feel free to bring a picture of your friend or loved one to share with others and remember.
For your comfort, you are welcome to bring a lawn chair.
The 2018 Remembrance & Hope event will be based at Pavilion B on Raymond Road. The county park is located at 11095 Bethany Center Road in East Bethany.
For more information, please contact via email: info@brightfuturesgenesee.org
About Bright Futures Genesee
Bright Futures Genesee is a 501(c)3 nonprofit established in July 2015. It is a grassroots organization whose mission is to serve individuals and families in our community through programs and support to ensure an immediate and lasting change. Its tagline, so to speak, is "Rebuilding, Restoring & Renewing." Sue Gagne was instrumental in starting it; she currently serves as its unpaid director. She was formerly director of the Mental Health Association of Genesee and Orleans Counties.
Editor's Note: Of the photo above, posted Sept. 26, 2017 on his Facebook page, "Chuck" said: "I was just looking at a pod of dolphins and it looks like I was thinking about some great question." He died Feb. 22, two weeks after turning 35, leaving his 9-year-son, Charlie Jay Sutherland, fatherless.
The song below, John Prine's "Summer's End," was first announced on its creator's Facebook page on Feb. 8, 2018 -- the day Chuck turned 35. It was performed at Chuck's funeral service overlooking the coastal City of San Buenaventura one month later, on March 8.