Local artist Larry Buckley gave an oil painting demo Tuesday evening at GO ART! for members of the Batavia of Society of Artists.
Other events coming up for the society:
- Spring Show, opening reception 6:30 to 8 p.m., May 7, Richmond Memorial Library;
- Steve BonDurant, plein air demo and picnic at Kiwanis Park, 6 p.m., July 14;
- Joint event with Batavia Players at Jackson Square, free and open to the public, where the players will practice parts and also serve as models for artists, 6 p.m., Aug. 11;
- Kevin Feary, oil-graisalle demo, Sept. 8;
- Brian Kemp, acrylic abstract demo, Oct. 13;
- Dennis Wood, perspective drawing, Nov. 10.
For more information on the Batavia Society of Artists, e-mail bsa.bataviasocietyof artists@gmail.com.

Are those 'happy trees'?
Are those 'happy trees'?