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At 6 months old, Halani Rolle isn't through with chemotherapy, but her grandmother said she's doing well.
“She looks good considering she has leukemia,” said Marian Massaro, a Batavia resident.
Halani was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) on May 9. Massaro said it came as quite a shock, especially to Halani’s parents, with there being no history of leukemia in the family.
Massaro said Halani is in remission, but needs a second round of chemotherapy.
“She had the first round, which was 28 days,” Massaro said. “The doctors said she did all right first round.”
In addition to chemotherapy, Massaro said Halani needs shots in her legs due to a blood clot.
“Her immune system is shot,” Massaro said. “But she’s going to have to have another round of chemo.”
Her parents, Jason and Crystal Rolle, drive back and forth to Buffalo to see Halani, and take care of two other kids, Julian, 8, and Harlem, 5.
“It’s hard,” Massaro said. “They’ve missed a lot of school.”
Massaro said Jason and Crystal both had jobs, but are currently out of work, taking care of the children.
Their vehicle is unsafe to drive, Massaro said. They have been borrowing hers, in order to drive back and forth.
Massaro recently wrote to an area car dealership, with the hope of receiving a donation of a car.
“When you have no money coming in, no vehicle and a sick kid, there’s got to be somebody in this town that would help out and do something,” Massaro said.
Those wishing to donate can do so on the current Go Fund Me page located here.
Massaro said she is not sure how to fundraise next.
"The problem is, fundraisers take a lot of work and a lot of people," Massaro said. "There just isn't a lot of people to do something like that."