From left, Eva Rhoads, Karly Smith and Bekki Allen.
From left: Teagan Mathes, Bella Verratti, Elizabeth Verratti and Clare Mathes.
In foreground, Eva Rhoads showing Riley Smith the riding pattern.
(Submitted photos) Press release:
On Saturday, Jan. 21st, the Genesee County 4-H Rustic Riders Club hosted a 4-H Pony Party for Genesee County 4-H members. The party was planned by 4-H Rustic Riders Club members Eva Rhoads, Karly Smith and Bekki Allen as a way to promote the 4-H Horse Program to other 4-H members.
The party had a great turnout and featured a series of horse themed educational activities and games, including horse bingo, face painting, horse breed cookie decorating and even the snacks and water bottles were labeled with fun horse facts. Experienced members also taught riding patterns to new members by playing a stick horse game. 4-H members from both Genesee County horse clubs came together and helped lead all of the stations and activities throughout the event.
Genesee County 4-H Horse Program members are now busy preparing for the upcoming Regional 4-H Horse Extravaganza, which features Horse Bowl and Hippology Contests. Both contests test the 4-H members’ knowledge of equine related topics. The Horse Bowl Contest is a Jeopardy-style quiz competition, while hippology is a hands-on test of identifying equipment, feeds and other equine facts.
For more information about the Genesee County 4-H Program, contact the 4-H Office at 585-343-3040, ext. 101.