The Le Roy Police Department rearrested Matthew McCracken on Dec. 29, adding two additional charges: attempted arson in the second degree, a Class C violent felony, and endangering the welfare of a child, a Class A misdemeanor.
It is now alleged that McCracken attempted to damage the building at 10/12 Clay St. in Le Roy by the use of fire, specifically a torch-type item while knowing or having cause to believe persons were inside the building at the time, specifically the neighbors and a young child that McCracken was babysitting.
McCracken’s actions did in fact cause blackened burn marks on the neighbors door and door frame. The endangering the welfare of a child charge alleges that McCracken endangered the physical or moral welfare of the same child during the incident due to the attempted arson, second degree, but furthermore, it alleges he was impaired by alcoholic beverage during the incident to the point he passed out or fell asleep, therefore was unable to care for the child.
McCracken was rearraigned before the Le Roy Town Court and further put in Genesee County Jail in lieu of $25,000 cash bail or $50,000 bond.
See post about previous arrest here.