A chemical fire is reported at Summit Lubricants, 4080 Pearl Street Road, Batavia.
The caller reports he is the only employee working and he is out of the building.
Town of Batavia fire dispatched.
UPDATE 2:35 a.m.: A chief reports a working fire at the rear of the building. Another chief asks, "what is it?" "Charcoal, he's telling me," the second chief replies.
UPDATE 2:37 a.m.: All available manpower requested to the scene.
UPDATE 2:47 a.m.: The fire is in a silo on the outside of the building. The chief is unsure if it's made its way into the interior of the building. Oakfield requested to fill in at Station 1, Stafford to fill in at Station 2.
UPDATE 3:20 a.m.: A firefighter needs treated for smoke inhalation. On scene, firefighters say fire contained to silo detached from the building, but it was popping pretty good. There is quite a bit of charcoal in the silo. Firefighters will attempt to remove it to get the fire out.
UPDATE 3:27 a.m.: Firefighters have open the top and are putting water on the fire from the top. The firefighter treated by Mercy should be fine.
UPDATE 3:49 a.m.: Employees in nearby facilities should shelter in place and turn off HVAC systems.
UPDATE 4:18 a.m.: Fire is out. Chief informs dispatchers, "It was not a chemical fire." It was just a charcoal fire. If there are complaints of odor in the area, "that's all it is," says the chief.
UPDATE 7:45 a.m.: Town of Batavia fire cleared this scene just before 6 a.m. Now they're called back for another alarm. A chief on scene reports, "nothing showing."
UPDATE 7:51 a.m.: Investigating, all units can remain in quarters at this time.
UPDATE 7:55 a.m.: Alarm is unfounded.