It was on a Saturday in September 10 years ago that I first drove into Batavia.
I returned to that event today to sort of mark the anniversary.
It was through a calendar item in the Gardener's Journal 10 years ago that I saw something about a Master Gardeners' Gala at the Cornell Cooperative Extension in a placed called Batavia.
"Batavia can't be too far of a drive," I thought, while sitting in my hotel room in Fairport.
I made the drive, and it was a bit more of a drive than I expected, but eventually, I found Batavia, and I found it charming.
I came out here looking for information on growing roses in Western New York (we were getting ready to move from Bakersfield, Calif.) and left charmed by this little city.
Little did I know then, that within two years, I would be starting an online news site for Genesee County and eventually moving here myself. But Billie and I are quite happy with that turn of events.
Thank you all for supporting our experiment in online-only news and embracing and accepting us as you have.
And yes, I've found it possible to quite successfully grow roses in Western New York.