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Press release:
Genesee County Undersheriff William A. Sheron Jr. (center), along with 40 undersheriffs from across New York State, attended a training conference at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs last week. Sponsored and organized by the New York State Sheriffs' Association and the New York State Sheriffs’ Association Institute, the program provides the Undersheriffs with training in the latest advances in law enforcement and correctional practices.
During the three‐day program: Oneida County Undersheriff Rob Swenszkowski presented the International Association of Chiefs of Police leadership training program; Madison County Sheriff Allen Riley and Associate Counsel Alex Wilson reviewed legislative issues including “Raise the Age” proposals; Niagara County Undersheriff Michael Filicetti discussed a Niagara County officer involved shooting and recruiting for law enforcement officers; Madison County Lieutenant Jeff Franceschelli, assistant jail administrator, presented the benefits and continuing hurdles of PREA compliance; Chautauqua County Undersheriff Chuck Holder discussed their Pistol Permit Program; and Lt. Robert Richards, Niagara County Stop DWI coordinator, and Michelle James, St. Lawrence County, discussed collection of DWI fines and fees.
The Undersheriff is appointed by the County Sheriff and often functions as the chief administrative officer, reviewing all operations of the Sheriff’s Office, including the road patrol and investigative divisions, the county jail, the civil law enforcement division, court security, and the 911/communications and dispatch division.
NYSSA is a not‐for‐profit corporation formed in 1934 to assist New York’s Sheriffs in the effective delivery of services to the public. It’s comprised of all 58 Sheriffs in New York State. The Sheriffs’ Institute was established in 1979 to advance criminal justice education, prevent juvenile delinquency, and support victims of crime and their families.