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Lease agreement finally in place between City Council and Batavia Players

By Joanne Beck
Batavia Players on stage Whirligig
File Photo of Batavia Players at Main St. 56 Theater
Photo by Howard Owens

There was just one question before City Council voted on a lease agreement with Batavia Players Monday evening.

Has the group made any more payments since the last meeting, Councilman Bob Bialkowski said.

“Not that I’m aware of, no, but they’re working hard to make those catch-up payments,” City Manager Rachael Tabelski said during council’s meeting at City Hall. “I don’t have the exact balance but I believe they were down to $19,000.”

The lease renewal due in January was on hold due to back rent owed to the city by the nonprofit from Covid days when its Main St. 56 Theater was shut down. newly drafted lease has been put in place and was up for a vote during the council’s business meeting.

This agreement is for Batavia Players to pay $4 per square foot plus back rent of at least $500 per month in an effort to move forward from an original lease in December 2019.

The commercial lease is for city properties 2, 35 and 39 in Batavia City Centre, including 11,052 square feet of “improved commercial space that was renovated by Batavia Players through a Downtown Revitalization Initiative and Anchor grant,” Tabelski had said in a memo to council. “Base rent will remain $4 per square foot to be paid $3,684 monthly. Back rent will be paid $500 per month or more until the balance is satisfied. 

"The lease also recognizes the city’s capital projects for the roof and HVAC units previously approved by City Council and clarifies how the Batavia Players shall submit requests for maintenance to the property,” she said.

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