The message came through clearly at the end of a DWI drill staged for Oakfield-Alabama seniors on Friday -- nobody wants to be at a scene like this one -- one where a drunken driver has been involved in an accident, taking the life of a young person.
Firefighter Chad Hilchey said they affect everybody. He's come home crying from responding to fatal accidents.
O-A Superintendent John Fisgus told the seniors on the morning of their prom night that he wants them to have fun at their prom but he also wants them to make it home safely. He said all of the people involved in the drill -- Oakfield Fire, Alabama Fire, Mercy Flight, the Sheriff's Office, and the coroner -- were there because they cared about the students. Fisgus called them his family and said while he wanted them to have fun tonight, it was a night he didn't look forward to. None of the teachers and administrators do. It's a night they know they won't sleep, worried about getting a call they don't want to get.
Photos by Howard Owens.