Christmas in the Village returns to Oakfield on Friday and Saturday with a full slate of holiday cheer, ranging from a parade and the arrival of Santa to a Christmas ornament scavenger hunt.
The fire truck parade delivering Santa and Mrs. Claus to Triangle Park is at 5 p.m. on Friday.
There will be food and beverages available for purchase at Memorial Park from the OA Parent Teachers Organization and Santino's, and Sweet Ally's will have special hours, staying open until 6 p.m.
The grand lighting of Winter Wonderland in Memorial Park is after the parade at approximately 5:30 p.m.
The evening will also feature musical performances by the Genesee Country Church children's choir, the Olympians, as well as the O-A Central School chorus and swing choir.
The Caryville Inn will be serving holiday drink specials.
On Saturday, it's Oakfield's own Small Business Saturday with an ornament scavenger hunt that will encourage participants to visit businesses in the village.
The first 50 participants or families receive a wreath, instructions and a stamp card. It starts at 11 a.m. at The Goose Farm Market, 33 South Main St., and runs until 2 p.m.
A festive wagon will provide transportation throughout the village during the hunt.
The winners announced at prizes award at 2 p.m. at The Goose.
Santa Returns on a fire truck to Triangle Park at noon and will hear children's Christmas wishes until 2 p.m. in the gazebo while cocoa and cookies, courties at the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club will be served.
Additional special events.
- Genesee Society of Model Engineers – Open House with working model trains on display. Holiday cookies will be served.
- Zeliff Farm Market – open 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with specials on meat packages available. Samples of Snack Sticks and Meatballs too.
- Haxton Memorial Library – games, crafts, and movies
- Rusty Rail Bar & Grill / Strikeforce Lanes – opens at noon and will have bowling