Photo by Howard Owens.
State Sen. George Borrello and Assemblyman Steve Hawley, both small business owners themselves, demonstrated their support for locally-owned businesses in Batavia on Saturday -- part of the national campaign, Shop Small Saturday -- by stopping at a half-dozen local businesses.
“Independently owned businesses make our downtowns more vibrant, spur additional growth, employ our neighbors and contribute to our tax base,” Borrello said to The Batavian. “In addition, every dollar spent at a small business has a greater multiplier effect. Many local shops rely on local suppliers and services and also contribute to local charities and community organizations."
Their stops included Oliver's Candies, YNGodess Shop, Charles Men's Shop, Batavia Bootery, Valle Jewelers, and Adam Miller Toys and Bicycles.
Borrello's wife, Kelly, accompanied the two legislative representatives on their rounds.
Previously: After the feast, get ready to 'shop small' and support Small Business Saturday

Photo by Howard Owens.

Photo by Howard Owens.