Alexander's school district board of trustees is asking voters on May 21 to approve a $22,758,728 budget.
That is an increase from the current academic year, which is $20,847,885.
The proposed budget increases the tax levy by 1.75 percent, or $109,709. The anticipated tax rate is $17.83, up 30 cents from the current rate.
The district is planning no cuts to staff or programs.
The district is not receiving an increase in state foundation aid.
There will be a public hearing at 7 p.m. on May 8.
Besides the budget, other propositions on the May 21 ballot:
Proposition #2: Bus Purchases
- 2 – 64 Passenger Buses - $340,000
- 1 – 24 Passenger Bus - $110,000
Proposition #3: Equipment Purchase
- Computer Hardware - $43,200
- Chromebooks - $68,710
- Floor Scrubbing Machine - $16,000
Proposition #4: Establish Equipment Reserve, $500,000
Proposition #5: Establish Bus Reserve, $900,000