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Corfu trustees demand mayor's resignation or they will seek his ouster

By Howard B. Owens

Corfu Mayor Ralph Peterson is going to receive a letter from the village attorney demanding his resignation.

If he doesn't resign, Mark Boylan, village attorney, is instructed to contact the appellate division of the NYS Supreme Court to begin the process of trying to remove Peterson from office.

Corfu's trustees voted 3-1, with Peterson supplying the no vote and Trustee Keith Busch absent, to take steps to remove Peterson from office.

While there's a long string of complaints that trustees and village residents have about Peterson, the latest alleged action that has angered trustees is an alleged admission by Peterson that he withheld an important letter from the village because he wanted to see a lawsuit against the village proceed.

This allegation came out after a closed session where trustees -- without Peterson, who was barred from the closed session -- discussed their options in the wake of recent events involving the lawsuit, village personnel and an alleged threat made by former village justice Robert Alexander.

Corfu trustees held an emergency board meeting on these topics this evening.

After Boylan raised the allegation that Peterson withheld the letter to perpetuate the lawsuit, Peterson denied it.

Trustee Ken Lauer said, "Oh, you have a different story to tell?"

"Yes, I have a different story to tell," Peterson said.

As Peterson started to speak, Lauer repositioned a microphone from a television news station to point at Peterson and Peterson paused and then said, "I've been advised by counsel not to make any statements."

As soon as the meeting adjourned, Peterson walked out of the building without speaking to anybody.

In May, Peterson reportedly received a letter from Andrew Fleming, the attorney representing a group of part-time village police officers who claimed they were illegally deprived work hours.  The letter was an offer to settle a potential lawsuit before it reached that stage.

Trustees only learned of the letter Monday when Fleming showed up at the village board meeting.

Peterson allegedly made a statement in closed session that night that he wanted to see the lawsuit filed, so he allegedly withheld the letter from the other trustees.

Also stirring the pot for trustees was a letter Peterson reportedly sent out Aug. 8 (PDF) asserting his power as mayor to run the village. He threatened legal action against any trustee, or the board as a whole, if attempts were made to usurp his power.

This evening, the trustees also voted 3-1 on a motion instructing Boylan to send a letter to Peterson barring him from contact with village office staff over concern that Peterson's continued contact with staff will lead to a harassment lawsuit.

The other motion passed Thursday was one instructing Boylan to send a letter to Robert Alexander barring him from village property.

Last night the Town of Pembroke board instructed Boylan, who also represents the town, to send a letter to Alexander barring him from town property.

According to witnesses, at Monday's village meeting, Alexander allegedly threatened to break the neck of a Town of Pembroke board member.

State Police confirm receiving a report of an alleged incident involving Alexander, but decline to disclose any further information pending completion of an investigation.

Two residents spoke at Thursday's village meeting. Charlie Lenhard, who identified himself as a longtime friend of Peterson's, told Peterson it's time for him to resign. Drew Doll said that as a 60-year resident of the village, he's embarrassed by what the village has become. The problems started, he said, long before any of the current trustees were on the board. It's time, he said, to dissolve the village.

Local Libertarians turn in candidate petitions for the first time

By Howard B. Owens

There was a bit of history at the county's election's office this afternoon -- for the first time in Genesee County history, Libertarians turned in signatures to put their own candidates on a local election ballot.

Batavia City Council candidates Lisa Whitehead (center) and Jim Rosenbeck (right) need 191 valid signatures to get spots on the ballot.

In New York's system, the Republican and Democrat candidates get to gather signatures first. When they're done, so-called third party candidates can gather signatures. None of the third-party signatures can duplicate signatures gathered by the Republicans and Democrats.

They all, of course, must be registered voters.

The Libertarians turned in 459 total signatures, which will now be reviewed by the election commissions to see if the minimum threshold of valid signatures have been met.

With Whitehead and Rosenbeck is Phil Ricci, chairman of the Genesee County Libertarian Party.

Genesee County's tradition of losing jobs from June to July continues in 2013

By Howard B. Owens

For the 16th consecutive year, Genesee County lost jobs from June to July, according to data released by the NYS Labor Department.

There are 500 fewer non-farm jobs locally, with a month-over-month drop from 23,900 to 23,400.

In 1997, the June-to-July job count for Genesee County for each month was 23,400 jobs. 

Data from the labor department goes back to 1990 and in those 23 years, Genesee County has never found itself with more jobs in July than in June.

The county did gain jobs year-over-year, however, going from 23,100 jobs to 23,400.

Village of Corfu calls emergency meeting of trustees for 6:30 this evening

By Howard B. Owens

We just received this public notice from the Village of Corfu.







Search under way for possible Walmart shoplifting suspect

By Howard B. Owens

Deputies are looking for a subject who may have stolen items from Walmart.

The subject is described as a white female with a beanie cap. She got into a yellow S-10 pickup with a sports cab and black stripes.

Batavia PD has been alerted to watch for the vehicle.

UPDATE 1:37 p.m.: The vehicle has been spotted in Oakfield.

UPDATE 1:51 p.m.: The vehicle was located on Galloway Road and stopped. The woman was no longer in the vehicle. A trooper and deputy are now at a location in the Village of Oakfield continuing the investigation.

Photos: An egret and a tree in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

Egrets, I find, are very tough birds to photograph. I've tried dozens of times both at the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge and at the Batavia Sewer Treatment Plant. You really need a longer lens than I own (and probably can never realistically expect to own) because they spook so easily. This shot was the last one in a series taken yesterday at the refuge just before the bird flew off, and the only one that was in focus.

Heading back to Batavia, I stopped for the photo below of a lone pine tree on a hill off Route 77 in Alabama.

Law and Order; $10K bail for Batavia man following alleged domestic incident

By Howard B. Owens

Justin D. Cotter, 21, of 14 Lehigh Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, criminal mischief, 4th, harassment, 2nd, and endangering the welfare of a child. Cotter was arrested following a police investigation into a domestic incident reported at 3 a.m. at a location on Liberty Street, Batavia. Cotter was jailed on $10,000 bail.

Daniel G. Cherry Sr., 51, of 4 Highland Park, lower, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct and unlawful possession of marijuana. Cherry is accused of causing a disturbance at 1:14 a.m. Sunday at Center Street Smoke House.

Barbeau and McQuillen feud building for months

By Howard B. Owens

Stephen R. Barbeau and Peter A. McQuillen, two strong-willed men of means -- both with deep roots in the Le Roy Community -- now find themselves quite literally on the opposite sides of the fence.

A long trail of disputes reached an apparent boiling point Monday morning when Barbeau, the Town of Le Roy supervisor, was arrested on a second-degree harassment charge.

Barbeau is accused of shoving McQuillen to the ground causing a minor injury.

The tipping point seemed to be a tree that fell from McQuillen's property into Barbeau's yard.

Sometimes, though, a tree isn't just a tree.

For Barbeau, the felled tree was just another provocation.

Sure, McQuillen said, he's bitter, but nothing he's done was meant to provoke Barbeau. He claims he's tried to patch things up with Barbeau but was rebuffed and he said he's offended that so many people seem to have forgotten what he's done for the community.

The roots of the feud go back to last summer when Barbeau and his neighbors learned that McQuillen had drawn up plans to build 36 homes on 13 acres of land he owns off Robbins Road.

Barbeau lives in a tony neighborhood on the south edge of the Village of Le Roy, The newer $170,000-plus (assessed values according to public records) estate-style homes are situated on big lots and are on streets named after presidents. It's a quiet family neighborhood and residents say they are a tight-knit group who look out for each other's interests.

McQuillen owns the 13-acre lot that abuts homes owned by Barbeau and David Boyce, an executive with the Bank of Castile. He also owns more than a half-dozen other parcels in the same subdivision. He purchased the 13 acres about three years ago from Carol Durney for $13,000.

The new subdivision was going to consist of single-story homes valued at about $150,000 and reserved exclusively for buyers 55 and older. McQuillen's vision was that the homes would appeal to longtime Genesee County residents who were approaching retirement and ready to downsize and to rid themselves of yard maintenance and the need to climb stairs every day.

He was going to call the development Robbins Nest.

McQuillen carried the project through 11 different village, town and county approvals. When Barbeau and his neighbors fought against the project, McQuillen circulated petitions in the village and gathered 400 signatures in support of his project.

Then in September of last year, Barbeau and Boyce filed a lawsuit against the Town of Le Roy Planning Board claiming that its approval of the project had violated the law.

Barbeau and Boyce prevailed. Robbins Nest is dead. Killed, in McQuillen's view, by NIMBYs.

"I had to eat all my engineering costs," McQuillen said. "I got approval after approval. Eleven times it was approved. It continued to get approved and I continued to spend money ... yes, I'm a little bitter, but that has nothing to do with what I'm doing now. Absolutely not. I'm doing what I need to do to get reimbursed on what I have in an investment."

At the same time, he's also still fighting a lawsuit filed by the property's previous owner, Carol Durney. Durney accuses McQuillen of not revealing to her his plans for a subdivision prior to his purchase of the property. McQuillen thinks -- though admits he can't prove -- that at least two presidential subdivision residents are financing the suit.

On two of McQuillen's 13 parcels in the presidential subdivision, he is building two duplexes. One is nearly compete just down the street from Barbeau's luxury home. The other one, with only a foundation poured so far, is on the lot next to Barbeau's.

In the process of construction, McQuillen has cut down dozens of trees.

Along Barbeau's west property line, McQuillen removed every tree on his own property. Those were trees that Barbeau believes would have provided a nice privacy barrier for his home and whomever might eventually live in the duplex.

One of those felled trees came down on Barbeau's house, though it didn't cause any real damage.

"Mr. McQuillen didn't even contact us," Barbeau said during an interview Monday. "There was no coming over to say he was sorry or to ask if everything was OK."

On Tuesday, Barbeau let a reporter onto his property but said under advice of his attorney, he could not answer any more questions. 

Barbeau will be represented in his harassment case by Larry Andolina. Andolina, a Buffalo attorney, recently represented Gregory Phillips, the former City of Batavia firefighter who was accused of bookmaking and drug possession.

Before getting warned off by Andolina, Barbeau e-mailed several photos to The Batavian showing the trees that had fallen on his property along with a good deal of junk and debris that Barbeau claims McQuillen piled up near the back property line.

Another neighbor, Randy Bartz, shared photos of construction materials that had been stacked on one of McQuillen's lots. While the material was entirely on McQuillen's property, the placement visually was practically in Boyce's front yard.

Bartz thinks the placement of the material by McQuillen was done purely out of spite, and it made the view from the front porch and dining room of the Bartz home pretty unpleasant.

"We sit here every morning and have coffee," Bartz said. "We sit here every evening for dinner. We just didn't want to have to look at that stuff when we didn't have to. He has a bunch of lots here that are unoccupied that are closer to where he's building, so why not use them, unless, quite honestly, he's trying to aggravate."

McQuillen said he hasn't been trying to aggravate anybody. At the time the material came in, that was the best place to store it for access during construction.

The area residents seem to forget, McQuillen said, what the vacant lots looked like before he bought them, though Randy and Beth Bartz both said the vacant lots to their southwest, even though they are overgrown with vegetation, look much better than they did a few years ago.

"I've only owned the lots for three years," McQuillen said. "I moved in and cleaned up the property. There was a semi-trailer I hauled away, a partially built log cabin, and I can't tell you how many loads of steel and miscellaneous building materials and different things I hauled away."

The south-facing backyard of Barbeau's property is only about 20 yards wide. At one time, Barbeau and his wife could sit in their living room or dining room at look out on a thickly wooded lot.

For the past several weeks, the main thing they've been able to see is a garage McQuillen is building just feet from their back property line (it is beyond the legally required setback).

Among the pictures Barbeau shared with The Batavian, there was a bit of junk piled up on McQuillen's property in that location. Much of that junk is gone now, but there is still an old recliner and aluminum stairway laying on the ground.

Nobody really seems to understand why McQuillen picked that spot for his storage garage, not Barbeau, Randy or Beth Bartz, nor Candace Bower, another neighbor who has been watching the dispute between Barbeau and McQuillen blossom.

"That barn he's building back there, he could have built it anywhere," Bower said. "He didn't have to build it right there, right behind Steve's yard, right there. I think anybody who spent $300,000 to build a house and then sees that would be incensed. I know he shouldn't have pushed Pete, but you can only take so much."

The location of the building has nothing to do with Barbeau, McQuillen said. It's the most logical location for him to store his construction equipment and materials now, and then serve as a maintenance building for his duplexes.

He decided to build the garage after discussing the building material storage issue with Jeff Steinbrenner, the town and village code compliance officer. It was a way to deal with complaints from neighbors about construction material being stored outside.

Steinbrenner -- who has been in the code enforcement job for just a few months -- issued a building permit to McQuillen for the garage and then a few days later had to issue stop-work order.

Dan Lang, the Town of Batavia code enforcement officer who is working with the village and town of Le Roy under an inter-municipal agreement to help train Steinbrenner, said the building permit, according to village code, should not have been issued.

According to village code, Lang said, a primary building -- in this case a single-family home -- must precede an accessory building. McQuillen has yet to pull a permit to build a house on his 13-acre lot, the parcel the accessory building is on.

The code also allows McQuillen to keep construction going while the stop-work order is under appeal.

The appeal goes before the village's zoning board Aug. 27 (meeting time, 7:30 p.m.). 

If McQuillen pulls a permit for a single-family residence on the parcel, the chicken-or-egg issue of the accessory building largely goes away, and McQuillen said he fully intends to build a home for he and his wife on the property.

The fact that he is eventually going to make his home in the neighborhood is one reason he feels frustrated with people saying he wants to bring down their property values.

The one duplex he's nearly completed is a well-constructed building -- even Randy Bartz said it looks good and he doesn't object to it -- and McQuillen said the one he's building next to Barbeau's house will be even nicer.

Still, Randy and Beth Bartz said they're not happy with duplexes coming into their neighborhood. When they built their home, they thought the subdivision was zoned R-1. They didn't know -- and Candace Bower said she didn't know it either -- that there was already a variance in place to allow up to 10 duplexes in the subdivision.

"If we had known," said Randy, a retired state trooper, "We never would have built our dream home here."

The lawsuit filed by Durney against McQuillen alleges that McQuillen misrepresented his intentions for the property, that he falsely claimed that there were wetlands on the property and that a $10,000 sewer line would need to be built down Robbins Road.

Durney states in the suit that she reasonably relied on these representations by McQuillen and lowered her price on the property (she was intially asking $35,000). 

Benjamin Bonarigo, representing McQuillen, said in his answer that Durney didn't have standing to file a suit on many of the issues it raised and that any representations not included in the written contract were not binding.

McQuillen said he couldn't discuss anything related to the lawsuit, which is still pending.

As for his feud with Barbeau, McQuillen said he's tried mending fences. He said he went to Barbeau about his plans for the property next door and about the only response he got from Barbeau was a demand to build a higher privacy berm, reducing McQuillen's lot size.

McQuillen said he's truly puzzled by the response he's been getting to his development plans.

"I've done a lot for this village," he said. "I've built village streets with my own dollars. The homes I've built are high end. I really don't understand the fight. If this was Chili or Henrietta, they would welcome the buildings I'm putting up. I'm increasing tax revenues and the overall assessment of the properties. Where am I doing something wrong? I've not done anything for this neighborhood other than build it up."

Accessory building under construction behind Barbeau's property. The string hanging in the lower right denotes the property line. (Photo by Howard Owens, taken from on Barbeau's property).

Photo provided by Steve Barbeau of tree that fell on his house July 11.


Photo provided by Steve Barbeau of what he said it looked like behind his house, on McQuillen's property, before construction on the outbuilding started.

Photo provided by Randy Bartz of the construction material that had been piled up on McQuillen's property next to David Boyce's property.

UPDATE: I should have gotten a picture of McQuillen's nearly completed duplex when I was in Le Roy Tuesday. Pete asked this morning why I didn't. It was a good point. Just an oversight on my part. He provided this picture.

Photos: Yo Twisters, frozen yogurt shop, opens in Downtown Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia's new frozen yogurt shop, Yo Twisters, on Jackson Street, officially opened late this afternoon, and as soon as Mercedes Rivera, left, and Tesla Phelinger heard the shop was open they headed right down.

They had sampled the frozen yogurt before and couldn't wait to try it again.

At Yo Twisters, when a customer walks in, he or she is directed to the back the store where the frozen yogurt machines are -- 15 of them. You can mix and match any flavors you like, and then top with any of a large variety of toppings.  You then pay according to the weight of your cup. 

SCOPE President: SAFE Act pushing gun owners toward greater political awareness

By Howard B. Owens

Since passage of the SAFE Act, membership in SCOPE (Shooters Committee on Political Education) has more than doubled, Steve Aldstadt, the group's state president, told the Genesee County chapter last night.

There are now 5,400 members and new members continue to join at a record pace.

"Unfortunately it took something like the SAFE Act to get everybody aware and involved," Aldstadt said.

With some four to five million gun owners in New York, he thinks there are enough votes among those who value the Second Amendment to sway any statewide election.

SCOPE is pursuing a multi-election strategy aimed at eventually getting the SAFE Act repealed.

This year, SCOPE is concentrating on county legislature elections with a goal of voting out some of the legislators across the state who voted against a resolution calling for the repeal of the SAFE Act.

"If we can get rid of a few of those legislators who supported the SAFE Act this year, it will make a definite impact on those state legislators who are going to be on the ballot next year in 2014," Aldstadt said.

Working with the Freedom Coalition, SCOPE is helping to organized the Freedompalooza Concert in Altamont, which is Aug. 24.

That will act as a fundraiser for a massive voter registration drive of gun owners. SCOPE will work to identify gun owners who aren't registered to vote and get them registered.

"We are not a minority in this state," Aldstadt said. "We have enough people to effect any statewide election and win."

Changing the name of the governor will take more than just more voters, Aldstadt acknowledged. The GOP also needs to find a good candidate to run against Andrew Cuomo.

"Cuomo can definitely be beat," Aldstadt said. "He has so many negatives right now. It's just a matter of the opposition coming up with a credible candidate."

If the pieces fall into place, those politicians who supported the SAFE Act might be surprised at the results, Aldstadt said.

"I think when they passed this law, they thought people were going to get upset for a little bit, maybe have a protest or two, and then it would all go away," he said. "Well, it's not going away."

For more information about SCOPE, visit the Genesee County chapter's Web site.

Law and Order: Woman accused of fighting on State Street, wearing only a T-shirt

By Howard B. Owens

Shante R. Williams, of 112 State St., upper, Batavia, is charged with assault, 3rd, obstructing governmental administration, 2nd, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, exposure and trespass. Williams is accused of getting into an alleged altercation at 122 State St. at 1:10 a.m. When patrols arrived, Williams was allegedly wearing only a T-shirt. Williams allegedly resisted arrest.

Matthew D. Derrick, 28, of East Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 3rd, and menacing, 2nd. Derrick was arrested Friday by Le Roy PD after patrols were called to his residence on a complaint of a fight. He is accused of threatening a family member with a weapon. Derrick was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Tessecca T. Tundo, 25, of 130 W. Main Street, Room 5, Batavia, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs and unlicensed driver. Tundo was allegedly found driving while under the influence of drugs at 5:58 p.m. Friday, following an incident at 127 North St., Batavia.

Thirty-six people arrested or issued citations at John Mayer concert at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens

The following people were arrested by the Sheriff's Office during the John Mayer Concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on Tuesday.

Robert M. Murphy, 34, Brixton Trail, Webster, is charged with two counts of assault, 3rd, after allegedly causing two Live Nation security guards injuries while he was being ejected from the venue. One security guard sustained a broken finger and the other Security Guard sustained a severe laceration to his head. Murphy was arraigned in Darien Court and remanded to jail in lieu of $500 bail.

(name redacted upon request), 16, Huntington Court, Williamsville, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Christian R. Amering, 18, Landing Road, North Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Casey A. Hanson, 19, Monroe Street, Brockport, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Abby E. Vitale, 16, Beanpole Circle, Farmington, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Zachary J. Manners, 19, Lori Lane, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Chase A. Squires, 18, Pinyon Court, Clarence Center, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and possession of alcohol under age 21 after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana and alcohol being under age 21.

Lauren J. Baldwin, 21, Newhouse Road, East Amherst, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

James R. Roberts, 19, Campbell Boulevard, Getzville, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Maxwell J. Gerling, 18, Ross Common Crescent, Fairport, is charged with trespass after allegedly attempting to reenter the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Sarah M. LeGrett, 18, Lantern Lane, Honeoye Falls, is charged with false personation after allegedly providing a false name.

Kevin M. Burke, 17, Chase View Road, Fairport, is charged with disorderly conduct, unlawful possession of marijuana and possession of alcohol under age 21 after allegedly causing a disturbance in the concert entrance. Burke was also allegedly found to be in possession of marijuana and alcohol being under age 21.

Elizabeth E. Desino, 23, Crestview Drive, Pittsford, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

The following people were issued citations for alleged possession or consumption of alcohol under age 21:

Michael B. McLaughlin, 18, Hillcrest Drive, Penfield
Bryan M. Smith, 20, Charnick Drive, Adams
Jacob M. Witkin, 19, Old Farm Circle, Williamsville
Robert J. Rummings, 19, Campbell Boulevard, Getzville
Teresa M. Braun, 19, Chestnut Crescent, Rochester
Joshua C. Eidem, 18, Bromley Road, Pittsford
Jessica L. Shafer, 18, Blanchard Street, Jamestown
Brianna L. Harris, 18, Van Buren Street, Jamestown
Jacob D. Richter, 19, Beanpole Circle, Farmington
Magdalyn T. Meyers, 19, Niagara Parkway, Stevensville, Ontario, Canada
Allyson J. Fleck, 18, Heritage Drive, Lancaster
Tyler D. Guarasci, 20, Williamsburg Lane, Lancaster
Ryan A. Massino, 18, Division Street, Lancaster
Leanna A. Sherman, 20, Ellington Drive, Rochester
Amber R. Shechter, 19, Pebble Hill Road, Fairport
Emily B. Rosen, 19, Valley Brook Lane, East Amherst
Alyson A. Plucknette, 19, Elmford Road, Rochester
James D. Cairns, 20, Walworth Road, Ontario, Canada
John R. Wise, 18, Downsview Drive, Rochester
Abigail C. G. Caswell, 19, Washburn Street, Lockport
Eric J. Booth, 20, Elmwood Place, Sherrill
Kyle B. Pendell, 18, Wincanton Drive, Fairport
Gregory J. Deppas, 18, Park Street, Jamestown

Traffic delays on Richmond expected during milling

By Howard B. Owens

Richmond Avenue, between Oak Street and State Street, will be milled Thursday and Friday between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Expect traffic delays while the work is taking place.

The following intersections will be subject to temporary closure during the work: Prospect Avenue, Ellicott Avenue, New York Place, Buxton Avenue and Verona Avenue.

Drivers are asked to not to park on the roadway during milling operations.

Residents and businesses will have access to their properties during milling work, but delays are possible when the work is being done in front of their properties.

All other traffic is asked to avoid the area.

The roadway is being prepared for repaving, which should take place in a couple of weeks.

Sentencing postponed for Pavilion property owners who stored disabled vehicles

By Howard B. Owens

In Pavilion Town Court today, Pavilion Attorney Jamie Welch agreed that Steven Weber has complied with a requirement to remove illegally stored vehicles from his property at 11076 Lake Road.

There are still at least a dozen vehicles that need to be removed from the property of his parents, Jacob and Mary Weber, at 11256 Perry Road, Pavilion.

Because of the progress Weber has made, his attorney, Richard Sherwood, and Welch reached an agreement to delay Weber's sentencing for two weeks in order to give him more time to remove the disabled vehicles from his parent's property.

On July 9, Steven Weber entered a guilty plea to a 15-count indictment accusing him of violating the state's property maintenance code. Jacob Weber admitted to 46 such violations.

Both were scheduled to be sentenced today, but the sentencing has been postponed until Aug. 27.

In exchange for the delay, both agreed to waive their right to appeal whatever sentences they receive.

Under a prior plea agreement, Jacob Weber will not receive any jail time, but he could still be fined a maximum of $750 per violation of the code. 

Steven faces the possibility of jail time plus a $350 per-violation fine.

Jacob's fine is higher because of a prior conviction on the same charges within the past five years.

In court today, Steven disputed that there were really 15 violations on his property, saying that there were only 11 disabled, unregistered vehicles on his property. Sherwood reminded him he had already entered a guilty plea to 15 counts.

Sherwood said there are 18 remaining cars on Jacob's property that Steven owns. At least six of the vehicles are in fact licensed. Of the remaining cars, they haven't been removed because the brakes have seized and the wheels can't turn.

Sherwood said those cars will need to be jacked up and the brakes repaired or removed before the wheels will turn and the cars can be placed on flatbed trailers and hauled away.

While Welch was willing to go along with a delay in sentencing, he wasn't willing to give the Webers much credit for progress made.

"We disagree with the defendant that he has made a lot of progress," Welch said. "In March he received a letter containing all the charges and nothing was done. Several months went by with no progress. Now he tells the court the cars are in such a state of disrepair from their long storage that their wheels are seized and some of them need to be dug out of the earth. We are trying to work with Mr. Weber here. We've given him every chance. If he comes back in 14 days and there's a single violation, the court will have full discretion to sentence him up to the maximum."

When asked if he understood the terms of the extension, Steven Weber said he did, but wanted to dispute some of the statements made by Welch.

When his attorney tried to quite him, Steven said, "but it ends up in The Batavian and I don't appreciate what winds up in The Batavian."

Prior to the hearing, Weber spoke with The Batavian briefly and said the stories about his case have been inaccurate. He said his cars are not junk. He said he wasn't willing to talk further at this time.

Sherwood told Weber he will be able to tell the court anything he wants about the case at his sentencing on Aug. 27.

Entrepreneur's new business will bring snacks and treats right down your street

By Howard B. Owens

You've heard of ice cream trucks coming down your street, but what if that ice cream truck could also bring you Big Pauly's pizza, or a hot dog, or chips and a soda?

That's kind of the thought Victor Thomas had when he decided to start his new business, the Quick Fix Snack Shack.

It's a snack shop on wheels.

Just like an ice cream truck, Thomas rolls down residential streets playing ice cream truck music (and some modern songs sampled to sound like ice cream truck music) in the hopes you'll want a snack.

Thomas started his new business two weeks ago and has taken it through Batavia, Le Roy and Elba. When we ran into each other today, he was headed to the yogurt plants to see how he might do with the lunch crowd for the first time.

He hopes to add other food items as the business grows, including this winter, soups, hot cocoa and coffee.

New commander put in charge of NYSP Troop A

By Howard B. Owens

Major Michael J. Cerretto has been appointed commander of Troop A, NY State Police.

Here is a brief overveiw of his career with the State Police:

Major Michael J. Cerretto, 48, is a Navy veteran with more than 26 years of service with the New York State Police. He started his State Police career in 1987, serving as a uniform trooper in Troop E, Monroe County.

Cerretto was promoted to sergeant in 1991 and was assigned to Troop K, Westchester County. In 1992, Cerretto was transferred to Troop A where he was promoted to the position of Sergeant/Station Commander serving in Wellsville and Batavia.

In 1994, he was assigned as an Investigator with the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) to work in the Southern Tier Regional Drug Task Force. He received his promotion to Lieutenant in 1996 working as both Uniform and BCI Lieutenant in Troops A and E. He is a graduate of 190th session of the FBI National Academy, in Quantico, Va.

In March 2003, Cerretto was promoted to Captain, accepting an assignment to the Internal Affairs Bureau in Syracuse. He returned to the uniform division in 2005, taking command of the Rochester area in Troop E.

In June 2013, Cerretto returned to Troop A, as the acting Troop Commander, receiving his promotion to Major in July. He is the 22nd Troop Commander in the 96 year history of Troop A.

As Troop A Commander, Cerretto oversees the State Police patrol and investigative operations in the eight (8) counties of Western New York. Under his command will be more than 453 civilian and sworn personnel.

Photo by Howard Owens.

Law and Order: Seven Springs resident charged with harassment after argument with neighbor

By Howard B. Owens

Joseph Andrew Hernick, 64, of Seven Springs Road, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Hernick is accused of being verbally abusive and attempting to be physically intimidating toward a neighbor.

James A. Hancock, 44, of 318 E. Main St., Apt. 6, Batavia, is charged with aggravated criminal contempt. Hancock allegedly violated an order of protection while having a prior criminal contempt conviction within five years.

Patrick O. Spikes, 32, of 16 Hutchins Place, Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief, 3rd. Spikes is accused of damaging property of another person valued at more than $250 during an alleged incident on Holland Avenue at 2:30 a.m., Saturday.

Keluan B. Williams, 24, of 109 Summit St., Apt. 2, Batavia, is charged with acting in a manner injurious to a child less than 17 years old. The alleged incident was reported at 3:30 p.m., Saturday. No further details released.

Danny D. Williams, 24, of 18 East Ave., upper, Batavia, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation and consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle on a public highway. Williams was allegedly found driving at 6:54 p.m. Saturday on Hutchins Place by Officer Chad Richards. At the time of the traffic stop, Williams allegedly had an open can of Natural Light beer in the driver's side cup holder.

Brandi A. Watts, 32, of Indian Falls Road, Corfu, is was arrested on a warrant yesterday following a court appearance on an unrelated matter. Watts is accused of failure to pay a fine on an overnight parking ticket in the City of Batavia.

Eric Alexander Ion, 40, of Brant Road, Brant, was arrested on bench warrants related to charges of criminal contempt, 1st, and assault, 3rd. Ion is accused of failing to appear on these charges. Ion is currently being held on bail in the Genesee County Jail on matters in Family Court.

Faith Brenda Obeirne, 45, of Mt. Read Boulevard, Rochester, was arrested on warrants for alleged petit larceny and criminal possession of a controlled substance. Obeirne was arrested by Rochester PD and turned over to the Sheriff's Office. Obeirne was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Conor Patrick Wilkes, 25, of Lewiston Road, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and failure to keep right. Wilkes was stopped at 1:31 a.m. Saturday on Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Justin Joseph Caryl, 26, of Maple Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Caryl is accused of stealing $25.94 in merchandise from Walmart.

Jake Philip Myers, 23, of Maple Avenue, Oakfield, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08, failure to keep right and no or inadequate headlights. Myers was stopped at 1:48 a.m. Saturday on Edgerton Road, Elba, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Evelio Rodriguez-Santiago, 46, of Bergen, is charged with petit larceny. Rodriguez-Santiago is accused of stealing an item of value at a location on Church Street, Bergen, at 6:15 p.m., Saturday. Rodriguez-Santiago was arrested by State Police. No further details released.

Timothy J. Poblocki, 24, of East Bethany, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Poblocki was stopped at 1:45 p.m. Sunday on Route 20, Alexander, by State Police.

Jennifer N. Bujnowski, 39, of Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Bujnowski is accused of shoplifting at Walmart.

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