Today's annual awards at the Sheriff's Office recognized a wide range of contributions and good police work throughout the department, but the vast majority of awards were generated by one event: Winter Storm Elliott.
The extra effort to save lives went well beyond just a few individuals.
Photos by Howard Owens. Top photo: Nate Fix and Anthony Johnston of Genesee SnoPackers and Deputy Kevin McCarthy were recognized for their initiative to use the Snopackers' grooming machine and a snowmobile to make it possible for a convoy of rescuers to make it to stranded motorists, resulting in multiple lives saved. Some of those rescued clearly would have perished in the following 30 to 60 minutes if the team of rescuers hadn't reached them when they did, Sheriff Wiliam Sheron noted.
Press release:
The following are being recognized for their heroic actions during historic Blizzard Elliott that occurred December 23 – December 25, 2022. Blizzard Elliott inflicted sub-zero wind chill temperatures and blinding lake-effect snow that left numerous highways and roads impassable. Multiple motorists were stranded in their vehicles for several hours and were not easily accessible by emergency first responders. Without hesitation for their own safety, these employees worked considerable additional hours to rescue motorists. Their brave actions that holiday weekend, undoubtedly, saved many lives.They are to be commended for their actions which have brought great credit upon themselves and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.
- Undersheriff Bradley D. Mazur
- Deputy Sheriff Rachel M. Diehl
- Deputy Sheriff Jonathan M. Dimmig
- Chief Deputy-Criminal Investigations Joseph M. Graff
- Deputy Sheriff Eric J. Meyer
- Deputy Sheriff Kyle J. Tower
- Chief Deputy-Road Patrol
- Brian M. Frieday
- Deputy Sheriff Ryan W. Young
- Deputy Sheriff Zachary P. Hoy
- Sergeant Jason E. Saile
- Deputy Sheriff Robert C. Henning
- Deputy Sheriff Morgan C. Ewert
- Sergeant Andrew B. Hale
- Deputy Sheriff Jeremy M. McClellan
- Deputy Sheriff Ryan J. Mullen
- Sergeant Michael J. Lute
- Deputy Sheriff Travis M. DeMuth
- Deputy Sheriff Alexander R. Hadsall
- Sergeant Mathew J. Clor
- Deputy Sheriff James D. Stack
- Deputy Sheriff Carlos O. Ortiz Speed
- Sergeant Kyle D. Krzemien
- Deputy Sheriff Andrew Z. Mullen
- Deputy Sheriff Ayrton J. Blankenberg
- Investigator Erik B. Andre
- Deputy Sheriff Joshua A. Brabon
- Deputy Sheriff Jacob A. Kipler
- Deputy Sheriff Patrick J. Reeves
- Deputy Sheriff David D. Moore
- Deputy Sheriff Mason S. Schultz
- Deputy Sheriff Richard S. Schildwaster
- Deputy Sheriff Jordan M. Alejandro
Deputy Sheriff Kevin R. McCarthy assisted rescue efforts by operating his personal snowmobile to reach stranded motorists in their vehicles.
Blizzard Elliott generated over 3,200 total phone calls and 953 distinct calls for service, resulting in the busiest day in the history of the Genesee County Emergency Services Dispatch Center. The following communications personnel played a vital role in addressing the tremendous demands placed upon the 9-1-1 Center during this extraordinary event and are to be commended for their actions which have brought great credit to themselves and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.
- Director of Emergency Comm. Francis A. Riccobono
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Andrew K. Merkel
- Public Safety Systems Manager Justin T. Allen
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Samantha L. Conibear
- Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher Robert H. Tripp
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Emily K. Young
- Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher Jason W. Holman
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Shelby M. Turner
- Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher Michael T. Sheflin
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Matthew F. Grimes
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Stephen R. Smelski
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Shaylene S. Kilner
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Peggy D. Richardson
- PT Emergency Services Dispatcher Cady E. Glor
- Emergency Services Dispatcher Kelly E. Smith
- PT Emergency Services Dispatcher Marie A. Vaughn
Emergency Services Dispatcher Nathan L. Fix, while off duty and in his capacity as Vice-President of Genesee Sno Packers, played a crucial role in securing the use of its Tucker snow grooming machine that led a convoy of first responders to reach stranded motorists who had been in their vehicles for multiple hours.
- Anita Cleveland for welcoming one of our deputies who was stranded on the road in front of her house, along with two motorists that he previously rescued from their stranded vehicle, into her home where she provided comfort, food and shelter.
- Sheriff’s Office Chaplain Jeffrey R. Bartz, his wife, Jami, and Grace Baptist Church. Multiple motorists were stranded for several hours in their vehicles and once rescued were in need of a place to shelter until the blizzard passed and roads opened. Chaplain Bartz, without hesitation, assisted with the opening of Grace Baptist Church as a warming shelter, and he and his wife spent the holiday weekend providing comfort, food, and shelter to strangers in need.
- Genesee Sno Packers provided its Tucker snow grooming machine to lead a convoy of first responders to reach multiple stranded motorists.
- Anthony Johnston is a member of the Genesee Sno Packers, and he volunteered his time to drive its Tucker snow grooming machine, jeopardizing his own safety to assist patrols.