Dennis Schafer, with National Grid, carries a case of water for Carol Marriott, of Pembroke, to her car for her outside the City of Batavia Fire Hall this afternoon.
National Grid set up a station at the fire hall this afternoon to provide water and dry ice to residents. Schafer said the delivery of dry ice was late, but once it was there, they were out within an hour.
He said he expects a delivery of twice as much dry ice tomorrow. He hopes the dry ice is delivered by noon.
There's still plenty of water and National Grid will be at the station until 5 p.m.
For most of the county that is out of power, National Grid doesn't expect power to be restored before 10 p.m. tomorrow.

I wish they would have
I wish they would have updated their website!!! I saw the notice about dry ice at 3PM yesterday and rushed home from work to grab a cooler. When I got there they said they had run out two hours ago!!! UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE!!!
I'll shoulder some of the
I'll shoulder some of the blame there -- I got the press release, opened it, but other things came in to deal with and then I forgot about it -- looked at it 3:30 and immediately told Billie to get over and get some dry ice and I headed over for pictures ... so I was in a bit of trouble with Billie when we found out they had already run out of dry ice. But there's dry ice now, as I write this (11 a.m. on Friday)
Thanks Howard. I certainly
Thanks Howard. I certainly don't blame you for National Grid's inability to keep their website updated.
Still no estimate as to when they will get Central and Pringle back online...
I'm not expecting power
I'm not expecting power restoration today for us.
It doesn't look good. My
It doesn't look good. My wife just called and said we're down to 47 degrees in the house.