A manure truck rollover accident is reported in the area of 10067 Simonds Road, Darien.
Darien Fire, Corfu Fire and East Pembroke Fire were dispatched.
"Heavy entrapment," reported.
Law enforcement on scene requested Mercy Flight on standby.
UPDATE 1:59 p.m.: Mercy Flight Central requested to the scene. There is a 30-minute ETA.
UPDATE 2:03 p.m.: Patient is alert.
UPDATE 2:37 p.m.: Mercy Flight is on the ground.
UPDATE 2:53 p.m.: DEC is responding though the manure spill is flowing into a field. "No waterways involved." A heavy wrecker is canceled. The owner is apparently going to take care of moving it.
UPDATE 3:02 p.m.: The patient is being transported to Strong Memorial Hospital.
Photos by Alecia Kaus/Video News Service