Though their volunteer efforts have spanned a range of activities over many decades, both Tom and Lynn Houseknecht said Friday as they were honored by the St. Jerome Foundation with the annual Health and Humanitarian Award, that the greatest reward has been the friendships they've made over the years.
"Today, I have to tell the truth," Lynn said standing before a sold-out luncheon at Terry Hills, "and the truth is we met most of (our friends) through volunteering. And the fact is, they were already there doing it first and being incredible role models and certainly people we admired.
"And that admiration grew into friendship. We're so very, very blessed to have had so many good, kind, compassionate people as role models and now as dear friends and family. That is definitely the most precious gift of being involved in our community."
Tom said, "Honestly, you should all be standing up here right along beside us."
Among the many charitable causes the Houseknechts have supported, both through donations and as volunteers, are the Arc of Genesee Orleans, UMMC (and previously Genesee Memorial Hospital), Notre Dame High School, St. Joseph School, YMCA, CASA, Batavia Rotary Club, and Resurrection Parish among others.
"Chris Fix asked us why we chose to volunteer where we did," Tom said. "Our longest commitments have been to the hospital, which is important to us for the physical health of our family and friends and the financial health of the community. The Arc, of course, holds a long family history and a special place in our hearts. Education, both public and Catholic, is the route of success of our kids and everyone else's."
Previously: Tom and Lynn Houseknecht to be honored with The Jerome Foundation's Health and Humanitarian Award