Sidewalk and street replacement work on Columbia Avenue is near completion with Seneca Avenue (bottom photo) not far behind.
Five streets in Batavia were scheduled this summer for a “Complete Streets” approach to upgrading both the roadway in the walkway.
Other streets part of the project this summer are Miller Avenue, Chase Park, and Fisher Park. The $320,000 cost is funded by the state's Consolidated Highway Improvement Program.
This year the scope of work includes the replacement of approximately 6,400 linear feet of sidewalks and handicap-accessible ramps on portions of Chase Park, Fisher Park, and Seneca, Miller, and Columbia avenues.
“Whenever we are able to repave or resurface a roadway, we also look at the sidewalks to make sure they are now ADA compliant. They have appropriate widths for wheelchairs and passing lanes,” Tabelski said during the May meeting.
Previously: City sidewalks, outdated lights in line for gradual replacement