The Alexander Volunteer Fire Department held its annual installation dinner and awards presentation at its rec hall on Saturday night.
Above, Ryan Hinz, ambulance captain, and Matt Pietrzykowski, firefighter. Hinz received the Chief's Award for his efforts on behalf of the ambulance service, and Pietrzykowski was recognized for his heroics at a house fire April 30 when he pulled another firefighter from a room in a house fire who had been hit on the head by a falling beam. The firefighter was not seriously hurt, but at the moment couldn't retreat from the burning building on his own. Pietrykowski was a member of the Alexander Fast Team that day.
Alexander's Firematic Officers for 2017:
- Marshal Merle, chief
- Paul Hirsch, deputy chief
- Jim Burkhardt, 2nd assistant
- Dean Hendershott, 3rd assistant
- Tom Green, 4th assistant
- Ryan Hinz, ambulance captain
- Darlene Merle, ambulance lieutenant
- Aaron Hirsch, truck captain
- Carl Homer, truck lieutenant
- Lance Scharlau, training captain
- Sean McPhee, training lieutenant
- Nate Fix, safety officer
Administrative Officers:
- Dean Hendershott, president
- Tom Green, vice president
- Amanda Donnelly, recording secretary
- Laura Scharlau, financial secretary
- Jackie Lowe, treasurer
- Trustees: Sean McPhee, Tom Lowe, Darlene Merle, Amanda Donnelly, Deb Green, Matt Pietrzykowski, Ryan Hinz.
Ladies Auxiliary:
- Donna Rhodes, president
- Ann Buckenmeyer, vice president
- Kate Goodman, secretary
- Colette Guarino, treasurer
- Marge Kelsey, flag bearer
- Donna Rhodes, chaplain
- Directors: Sandy Homer, Marge Kelsey, Linda Higley
Jennifer McPhee and Debbie Green received the Presidential Award of Service from President Dean Hendershott. McPhee and Green often volunteer to babysit the children of firefighters responding to emergencies.
Joseph Schmider and Carl Homer were recognized for their 25 years of service by Dean Hendershott and Laura Scharlau.
At the end of the evening, the department hands out a series of gag awards poking fun at some of the miscues of members during the course of the year. Apparently, at the time of the tractor pull, Paul Hirsch accidently knocked over a utility pole with a vehicle. He received a hat for his "new business," the Hirsch Pole Removal Service.
Dean's flag is on the wrong
Dean's flag is on the wrong lapel. It should be on the left as it represents a living country and therefore is placed over the heart.