A pedestrian has been struck by a vehicle and is injured at Ellicott and Jackson streets. City fire and Mercy medics are on scene.
UPDATE 12:37 p.m.: A car was turning left from Jackson Street onto Ellicott Street. The light was green and two pedestrians were crossing in the crosswalk, but the driver reported he did not see them and "bumped" into them. An adult female was transported to UMMC after being evaluated by a medic. She complained of hip pain. A child who was walking with her was not injured. The driver was cited by a police officer.
I'm surprised there aren't
I'm surprised there aren't more of these in Batavia. Nobody pays attention to the walk and don't walk signs. I've seen people dodge into the crosswalk after vehicles have started moving.
Well Ralph I also happen to
Well Ralph I also happen to notice that drivers often ignore the yellow and red lights and go thru the intersection as well as those making right hand turns. So that sword is double edged.
oh geeze.... it's the parents
oh geeze.... it's the parents fault ....... guess they did not teach them the proper way to cross the street. maybe prince andrew should give an executive order and mandate all students take a semester class of " crossing the street " . Hopefully if the student becomes an adult they will have half a chance of survival in the big, busy city of Batavia. As I have crossed the street hundreds of times and made it out uninjured I thank my mother. wait for green light, look both ways, cross, keep looking both ways, if car approaches get out of the way. If I can save one life this post has been worth it.LMAO