The woman accused of driving drunk, leading to a fatal collision in Bethany in February, has successfully completed a round of alcohol dependence treatment, her attorney told Judge Robert C. Noonan in County Court this morning.
Attorney Benjamin Bonarigo asked Noonan to release Hannah Dibble under supervision of Genesee Justice for a couple of days while she awaits placement in another treatment program.
Assistant District Attorney William Zickl said the people were willing to go along with that request.
Noonan was less sanguine.
"I apparently have more misgivings than the people," Noonan said. "Given the short time she was on RUS when she had a very serious violation, at least given the circumstances of the case, I was inclined to keep her in jail for a couple of days until a bed-to-bed transfer to Horizon was available."
Dibble will be allowed to stay at her parents' house until admitted to Horizon, but Noonan warned her that it was a 24/7 house arrest.
"If you are even on your front lawn and you are seen, you will go back to jail," Noonan said.
He told the attorneys, "I hope this doesn't result in a violation because it would be an indication she is not a candidate for anything other than long-term incarceration (if convicted)."
Bonarigo said the other members of the Dibble household have agreed to have no alcohol in the home while Hannah Dibble is staying at the residence.
In July, a Genesee County Grand Jury handed down an 11-count indictment on Dibble, including counts of manslaughter in the second degree, vehicular assault in the first degree, three counts of assault in the second degree, three counts of vehicular assault in the second degree, and two counts of DWI.
Her friend, Alyson D. Krzanak, 18, of Corfu, died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash. Suffering serious physical injuries in the collision Feb. 21 were James Scherer, 21, Brandon Danser, 22, and Felecia J. Fazzio, 20.
The time in rehab has given Dibble great insights, Bonarigo said. He said she and her family wanted to see her continue in-patient treatment because she's made good progress.
"She's making significant strides in treatment and we hope to see her continue in that direction," Bonarigo said.
Her attorney needs to stop
Her attorney needs to stop trying to make this all about her.
It's about a life that was lost, too young, because of her criminal act. Not about Dibble.
While I agree with what you
While I agree with what you are saying Raymond. I think the DA needs to step up his game in representing the "people".... Dibble's lawyer is just doing his job. Obviously from what this article says though, the Judge agrees with you.
Kyle, I know my cousin has a
Kyle, I know my cousin has a deep seeded hatred of this crime. Has had when he was in the D.A.'s office, and still has since he's been on the bench.
I hope you're not insinuating
I hope you're not insinuating that your cousin is incapable of being fair and impartial as a judge...
Not at all Jason.
Not at all Jason.
He is as fair and impartial judge that any defendant will appear before.
I figured as much. Just
I figured as much. Just mostly wanted to give you the opportunity to "put that on the record."
Oh how I knew the whole
Oh how I knew the whole little murders will walk the thin line.
"Don't let me see you on the front lawn". Hey, but don't worry! There's a back lawn to party on! I CALL BS!
"Just mostly wanted to give
"Just mostly wanted to give you the opportunity to "put that on the record."
It didn't need to be as Robert's reputation on the bench, speaks for itself.
She will rue the day she violates Robert's orders.