The way District Attorney Lawrence Friedman sees it, Kasean Shannon is a dangerous sexual predator who is unable to comprehend the damage he does to his victims and therefore should spend the maximum amount of time available in his plea deal in prison.
That is 15 years.
Judge Robert C. Noonan agreed.
"The defendant says he made a mistake," Friedman said. "That's how he characterized his sexual assault on five females. He said he never intended to hurt them. I think that shows his total lack of understanding of what he's been doing over the years."
Before handing down the 15-year sentence on his guilty plea to attempted first-degree rape, Noonan told Shannon, "You're a predator and a serial sex offender. You don't seem to have any regard for the female person on this earth when you want what you want."
Shannon was also sentenced on his guilty pleas to sexual abuse, incest and criminal contempt.
None of Shannon's victim's appeared in court, as they could have, to plead for a stringent sentence, but the mother of his child did speak to the court, urging Noonan to not issue an order of protection in her name or the name of their child.
"I am very much in love with him and wish to get married to him as soon as I can," the woman said. "I know what he did is awful, but I want our daughter to know him. She needs to know what he did, but she also needs to know him and make up her own mind about him and not what everybody says about him."
Rarick urged Noonan to sentence Shannon to only five years, giving him time to learn from his mistakes and turn his life around.
Shannon told Noonan that he knows what he did is wrong.
"I'm willing to learn from what I've done," Shannon said. "I will enter any program I need to enter in. I want to be there for my daughter."
Once released, Shannon will be on parole for 15 years.
Tsk .. Tsk!!
Tsk .. Tsk!!
"I am very much in love with him and wish to get married to him ..."
"I know what he did is awful, ..."
"... I want our daughter to know him."
"She needs to know what he did ..."
"she also needs to ... make up her own mind about him and not what everybody says about him."
How sad, for that child.
And, as for mama bear - this ALMOST makes me wish I was a member on facebook.
I have an idea that the host of rachet video weekly (on youtube) will be posting someone's videos on his channel.
He is an animal of the Jungle
He is an animal of the Jungle....chemically castrate him. He will make a wonder prison wife for bubba.
we need public hanging for
we need public hanging for people like him
I previously commented that I
I previously commented that I never see a black face on the Batavian except for the Muckdogs and Football season. I've never seen an Obituary for a black person and during the first 20 years of my life in Batavia, I never saw a black person up close except on TV. You can't be a racist if everyone you know is of the same race. I'm glad to see a little diversity going on there now. Pretend he is white and give him 90 days probation.
"I never saw a black person
"I never saw a black person up close except on TV. You can't be a racist if everyone you know is of the same race."
How can you say your not a racist with a comment like this? Do you live in Batavia? What is about race these days? God forbid you needed blood. Are you going to say, "What race is that blood?"
You may want to get around Batavia a little more. There are some wonderful people of all tans. I was raised with the song,
"Jesus Loves All the Children of the World. Red and yellow, black and white. They are precious in His sight...."
I like this one better Lisa,
I like this one better Lisa, It's more realistically Xtian.
"God may forgive you but I won't
Yes, Jesus loves you but I don't
They don't have to live with you, neither do I
You say that you're born again, well, so am I
God may forgive you but I won't, I won't even try"
By all means, don't forgive
By all means, don't forgive me. However, look in the mirror. Have your DNA done. You aren't as "white" or as "perfect" as you may think you are. I know my heritage. By gosh, I'm proud of every ounce of mixture- including the African American, however minimal it is.
Lisa, my last name is
Lisa, my last name is Richardson. Either I am a descendant from a slave or a slave owner. I'm not a rich Richardson so I suspect the former although only my love of loose shoes, basketball and pants that fall off of my ass give me any real clues of my true identity.
Taking George's remarks
Taking George's remarks literally is not only a fool's errand; doing so deprives one of the benefits of irony and catharsis.
C. M. knows. He's an
C. M. knows. He's an intellectual equal to Howard who knows that writing stupid stuff does not equal being stupid. So few are aware of the powers of organic self medication and beer. Kill me if you must or just leave me alone for twenty more years like they did with George Jones, or eight like they did with George W.