It's been a bit nasty out today, but at least it's not sub-zero.
There's more winter weather on the way, too.
The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued a winter weather advisory for noon Tuesday to 1 a.m. Wednesday.
The forecast is for a mix of snow and freezing rain and sleet.
Snow accumulations of one to two inches and ice of a tenth of an inch.
Visibilty will be less than a mile at times.
Caution when traveling is advised.
Top Photo: Ray Tortorice walks his Cub Cadet on Trumbull Parkway to clear snow from his walk and his neighbor's walk this afternoon. Bottom photo: a tree in Centennial Park.
a picture of a TREE!!!! must
a picture of a TREE!!!! must be a slow news day up there.... lol!!!!
I take it you're new to The
I take it you're new to The Batavian...
howard is an awesome
howard is an awesome photographer i for one enjoy his pictures
thanks, Jeff. It's a picture
thanks, Jeff.
It's a picture of a tree, but it's not a picture of a tree. It just looks like a picture of a tree. That's not really what caught my eye.
My favorite tiime of year for
My favorite tiime of year for tree pictures, The shadows are amazing.
My personal thoughts...I
My personal thoughts...I think Skip's comment was strictly facetious! He knows all about western NY weather!
thx Linda!!! I sure do!
thx Linda!!! I sure do! Billie, I'm not new to the Batavian and enjoy checking out your site from time to time. I will say this, I appreciate Howard's love of photography and I love to see the pics he posts of the people and places around Batavia. some of us who have lived away from Batavia for years love to read the news and see pics of Batavia. I just thought a pic of a tree was funny, and my comment was only meant as a joke, not an insult to Howard's talent as a photog.....
I hope the guy in the top
I hope the guy in the top photo isn't blowing the snow into the street because i think you can get a ticket for doing that?