Sometime between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., New Year's Day, even as Laura Ford and her son where home, somebody snuck onto the porch of the Ford residence and stole this chainsaw carving of a bear.
Bill Ford bought the bear as a one-year anniversary present for Laura about four years ago.
The Fords are asking if anybody has information that may help in its recovery, to please call the Sheriff's Office at (585) 343-5000. The case is being investigated by Deputy Corey Mower.
Town, Street?
Town, Street?
How rotten can they get.
How rotten can they get. (Assuming more than one sneak-thief. It looks heavy.)
I hope they get it back.
"somebody snuck onto the porch"
Sneaked! Sneaked! - Brought to you by the Society for Lost and Hopeless Causes.
chainsaw craving of a beat.
chainsaw craving of a beat.
When I lived in Rochester, I
When I lived in Rochester, I brought some cactus back from Arizona, and had it growing in two large planters. I had the soil covered with red dirt from Sedona, AZ, and they were growing beautifully. Some lowlife stole them from my front porch, too. These kinds of thefts are lower than stealing a bag of money from the back of a Brinks truck. These items mean something to people.
I agree, Doug. Lower than
I agree, Doug. Lower than low.
The time span listed in this
The time span listed in this article means that this was taken in daylight not when it was dark or people would be sleeping. This is not a one person job or maybe more than two. It also would require a truck to carry such a large item. Someone knows something somewhere. What do they plan to do with such a large item? Sell it on E-Bay under pick-up only? I hope they find this and soon before it is damaged or worse. I guess the bigger picture here is what is going on in our area? This used to be a safe place to live and now what or who has moved in to our area to turn things in a very wrong direction? There is so much crime going on on an every day basis that it makes one want to move away. The climate of our area has gone down hill and shows no signs of stopping. In the past 10 years we have seen a decline of decent people moving here and have somehow attracted criminals and we are now seeing the results of that. It is very sad as this used to be a safe place to live. I hope this turns around or more people will move away and the decline will continue. I hope for these people their story has a happy ending.
Scott, according to
Scott, according to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, snuck is legit nowadays. It's, of course, the past and past participle of sneak. Moreover, it's how most people talk. They typically say "He snuck up on us." Not "He sneaked up on us."
I know, Billie. I was just
I know, Billie. I was just having fun. Like everything else, language drifts and evolves. It's just that this usage is grating (to me), and brings out my conservative side. (Little else does.) So, I'll try to get down with it!
Lisa... I saw no mention of
I saw no mention of the size or weight of the carving and there's really nothing in the picture to accurately compare it with. We've had one for about 6 years that's 30 inches tall and weighs about 25 pounds. Ours certainly doesn't require more than one person or a truck to move it... my 5 foot tall wife moves it around the yard between the gardens all by herself. It looks similar to that one too, but the bear and the tree are the same color on ours.
How are people supposed to
How are people supposed to know if they saw something that might help the investigation if we don't know roughly where they live? Maybe a vehicle that didn't belong in the neighborhood at that time. Not asking for their home address but basic info should be given if you are asking for the publics help.
Would love to see the ransom
Would love to see the ransom photos.
Pay up or the bear gets it."
Copy and pasted from The
Copy and pasted from The Batavian Facebook page.
"Laura Green Ford
January 6 at 7:54pm.
I'm posting In regard to The Batavian article on the stolen chainsaw bear, which isn't showing up on Facebook for some reason. It was stolen from our house on east main road in LeRoy. It's about 4 1/2 feet high and weighs about a hundred pounds. It would take at least two people to carry him. I couldn't comment on the website because I'm not a member yet. Thank you for sharing. I hope we can get our bear back."