A residence on Summit Street was raided by Batavia's Emergency Response Team shortly before 4 p.m. to search for the fruits of alleged thefts in Albion.
The ERT was called in, Assistant Chief Rob Yaeger said, because there were reports that weapons were being sold out of the residence.
Yaeger didn't say what was recovered or who was detained because it's an Albion PD case.
A flash-bang device was used to help create a distraction, which caused at least one neighboring resident to report "shots fired" on Summit Street.
The operation was undertaken to execute a search warrant and Yaeger said the search was fruitful.
Further details when they become available.
UPDATE: Press release from Albion PD:
The Albion Police Department has made an arrest in relation to the ongoing investigation regarding the larcenies and burglaries that have occurred over the past several weeks in the Northeast side of the Village of Albion.
Search Warrants were executed at two locations in the Village of Albion on Saturday (12-20-14) and one search warrant was executed today (12-22-14) at a location in the City of Batavia.
A large quantity of stolen property was recovered as a result of the search warrants and additional persons of interest have been identified.
The case is ongoing with additional arrests expected. The names of those arrested, wanted or other persons of interest are not being released at this time. A more complete press release will be done when the investigation is closer to being completed.
The Albion Police are asking anyone who may have had items stolen, regardless if they have filed a Police Report, to contact the Albion Police Department at 585-589-5627 to identify and recover their stolen property.
The Albion Police were assisted by the Batavia Police Department, Batavia Police Emergency Response Team and the Genesee County Drug Task Force.
Anyone with information regarding the crimes is asked to call the Albion Police Department at 585-589-5627.
Photo: Ellsworth Avenue as the incident was wrapping up.
I drove by this residence
I drove by this residence while the police action was happening. Although there was no apparent urgency ensuing, there were enough SWAT team there with assault rifles ready
assault is a noun and verb,
assault is a noun and verb, not an adjective.
Yep so whats the issue with
Yep so whats the issue with David's use of assault Peter? Its being used as a noun as per your own reference site.
"Assault rifle" is the
"Assault rifle" is the generally accepted, literal translation of "Sturmgewehr," the name assigned select-fire intermediate power weapons that combine the rapidity of a submachine gun with the accuracy of a rifle in a moderate range weapon. The Sturmgewehr (MP 44 AKA StG 44) was developed by the Germans and issued in 1944. It saw extensive use on the Eastern Front. A captured StG 44 was re-engineered by the Soviets, resulting in the gas-operated Automatic Kalashnikov (AK-47) which remains the most popular weapon in this class. The American military later adopted a similar weapon design (M-14/M-16) after the disappointing application of high-power M1/M2 and Browning automatics early-on during the Vietnam War.
Peter - According to Collins
Peter - According to Collins dictionary http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/american/assault
Definition lists assault as an adjective (also)
6. Designating a rifle or other firearm, either automatic or semiautomatic, designed especially for military use