A tractor-trailer has jackknifed on Clinton Street Road and hit a utility pole. A second vehicle may be involved.
The road is blocked. Power is out in the area.
All occupants are out of the vehicles.
The accident is reported in the area of 5106 Clinton Street Road, near Stringham Drive.
Town of Batavia fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.
UPDATE 9:41 p.m. (back from the scene): An eastbound tractor-trailer that was fully loaded lost traction on a snowy road and jackknifed. A red pickup truck that was also eastbound became wedged under the trailer. The passenger side of the cab was completely crushed. Fortunately, there was no passenger. The driver had a cut on his hand and a complaint of arm pain. There's no suitable tow trucks available in Genesee County, so trucks are coming from Monroe County. A National Grid crew is also needed to replace the utility pole before the truck can be moved. Route 33 will likely be closed for some time yet.

Thank God no one was hurt!
Thank God no one was hurt!