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BBs fired at children and adults outside soup kitchen at church on North Spruce

By Howard B. Owens

As families left a lunchtime soup kitchen at the Assembly of God Church on North Spruce Street this afternoon, an unknown person apparently fired BBs at them.

The thwack of a BB against the siding of a building got everybody's attention and then after another shot, a BB was seen on the ground.

One BB narrowly missed a child, the child's mother said.

Police were called and a canvass of the area failed to produce a suspect. The shots were believed fired from a neighboring apartment complex.

"I don't know the motivation," said Sgt. Dan Coffey. "I don't know why somebody would decide to shoot BBs in the direction of a church, let alone the people standing outside near it. I couldn't speculate on that at this point."

The building wall showed clear evidence of at least one BB's impact.

Valerie White and Daniel Orlando said their little was almost struck by one of the shots as she was sitting in her stroller. The couple and their two children, ages 3 and 5, were outside talking with another family and their kids when the incident occurred just before noon today.

"All the sudden we hear two ping, pings hitting the side of the building," White said. "We're looking around to see what's going on. It sounded like little stones hitting the building. Somebody noticed it was a BB coming toward us and we looked on the ground and there was a BB on the ground and there was a hole in the building. One just missed our daughter."

Orlando held up two fingers an inch apart and said, "it was probably this close."

Coffey said the weapon could either be CO2-powered or a pump-style BB gun. 

The suspects, if identified, are looking at possible reckless endangerment and criminal mischief charges.

Anyone with any information can contact the Batavia Police at 585-345-6350.

Original reporting for this story by Alecia Kaus/Video News Service.

Ed Hartgrove

The most common "BB" guns use .177 caliber ammo (just a little smaller than a pencil eraser), and the bb's have a muzzle velocity (on average) from 250-to-1000 feet/per/second.

So, let me suggest that, the next time you see one heading your way, step to the side very quickly.

And, of course, NEVER forget, you can shoot your eye out with that thing. Safety First!

Jul 29, 2014, 11:51pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Perplexed! Yep, that's what I am -perplexed as to the 'down' vote for my comment.
Got the cohones to explain it?
Don't care for "A Christmas Story"? It isn't my FAVORITE movie, but I always thought it was pretty good.
Or, maybe you just don't care for safety tips.
Care to explain, or would you rather hide behind annonimity?
Of course, we're a country of free speech (and free thought), so it's your choice.

Jul 30, 2014, 9:15am Permalink
Beth Kinsley

I've never given you a thumbs down Ed because your quirkiness amuses me but I think most here see no humor in shots being fired, albeit from a BB gun, outside a church soup kitchen. Especially since a young child was nearly hit.

Jul 30, 2014, 2:19pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Thanks, Mardell.
But I don't put much thought into the accumulation of 'up' OR 'down' votes.
I was more interested in the WHY.
As we've all seen here on thebatavian, sometimes people vote one way or the other, but fail to explain their thinking. If there is any.
Oh well, "the heat goes on". - It's 92º and climbing.

Jul 30, 2014, 2:28pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Hey, Hi Beth!
Yeah, when I posted my comment, I honestly wasn't trying to make light of that part of the story, but I do see how it could've been taken that way.
"MY BAD" (does ANYONE even use that expression anymore?) Probably not - you gotta remember, 90% of the people I see nowadays have silver hair.

Are you still 500 miles from 'home'? And, if so, is it a 'permanent' thing?

Jul 30, 2014, 2:46pm Permalink
Mardell Lamb

Silver hair, or none at all?! How 'bout you, Ed? LOL You need to remember to get out of the sun every now and's not good for you. Perhaps it does "weird" things to your creative thought process (or maybe it enhances it?) ha.

The weather is gorgeous here in Genesee Co. Picture perfect day of 72°.

Jul 30, 2014, 2:58pm Permalink
Ed Hartgrove

Naw, I still have my hair, but not in the length that you would recognize. I had the long hair from '72 til 2011. When I decided to move south, I had the 'girls' at Continental give me a brushcut - but I made them take a before & after picture, and told them they had to show it to Miss Sharon (one of the instructors there). She had threatened for years, and years, and years, that she was gonna cut it short, but I wouldn't let her. It was her night off when I did have it cut, so I figured I'd leave her a shocking momento.
Now I just keep it semi-short.

Jul 30, 2014, 3:37pm Permalink
Beth Kinsley

I am still 500 miles from home Ed and will probably stay in Michigan until I retire. Like many others, my career led me away from NY. As far as "My bad" goes, last time I said that, my 16 year old daughter told me "Please don't ever say that again." So - either it's completely not cool or I'm not allowed to be cool. Or both.

Jul 30, 2014, 4:44pm Permalink

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