Two alleged drug dealers who are suspected of selling heroin and crack cocaine in the City of Batavia have been arrested by the Local Drug Task Force.
Jacob W. Patterson, 18, of Killian Road, Pembroke, and David C. Truesdale Jr. (aka "True"), 24, of Sylvester Street, Rochester, were arrested as the result of separate investigations.
Both Patterson and Truesdale are charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd.
Patterson allegedly sold quantities of heroin to an undercover agent while in Batavia and Truesdale is accused of selling crack cocaine to an agent.
Patterson was arrested on a warrant July 16 at his residence. He was jailed on $10,000 bail.
Truesdale was already in custody on unrelated charges. He was arraigned on the new charges and ordered held without bail.
Want to fix the drug problem?
Want to fix the drug problem? Dump a truck load of heroin and cocaine and pot in an abandon building, fence in a 200 yard perimeter, and tell all the local druggies to have at it. Come back in a week, load up the bodies, end of inevitable problem with much less fuss and expense. People should own their choices, good or bad.
So you think people should
So you think people should “own their choices” by committing suicide to satisfy you? Or were you suggesting something more Auschwitz?
Probably you could get rid of all sorts of undesirables by locking them away until they die. You should run for office.
Julie, you don't honestly
Julie, you don't honestly believe you can save people from themselves, do you? I never said to lock them inside the fence. That won't be necessary. I'm just tired of having to help pick up the expensive tab to warehouse people by their revolving door of arrests and releases. Just get it over with already. They're already committing suicide.
Locking them away is what
Locking them away is what already happens. Yes, they should own their choices in entirety. C'mon, the war on drugs is futile and way too expensive. If someone wants to be a junky, hand them a large bag of heroin and let them make their choice. Personally, I have no desire to pay for their health care, dental care, forced feedings and dry-out time. I would rather keep my money and take care of myself.
People have been using drugs
People have been using drugs since before there was a government. People are not going to stop using drugs just because the government says not to. The war on drugs was lost the instant it started. Making a law against something does not stop people from doing it. Never has, never will. Weed, heroin, coke and other drugs dont themselves make people criminals, the illegal nature of the drugs is what makes people into criminals. Drug dealers buy a gun, because the illegal nature of their business excludes them from the protection the police provide to legitimate businesses. If the people in charge would get their head out of their ass, and put drugs on the shelf right next to booze, require ID for purchase, and tax that shit, then 95% of the drug related crime would vanish. Dont believe me? Have a different opinion? Well your wrong. Read about Portugal. They decriminalized all drugs, legalized most drugs, and focused on treatment. LITERALLY OVERNIGHT drug related crimes dropped by 75%. Its this simple, making laws against something DOES NOT STOP people from doing it, it simply creates a punishment for being caught. Drugs themselves cause a minor problem compared to the the problems that LAWS AGAINST drugs cause. Sure every once in a while, some asshat is going to do too much coke, lose his mind, and run around naked in the street. How is this different from drunk people doing stupid shit? Its not.
As an example, i have smoked weed on and off for the last 20 years. I smoked weed in high school, and i graduated with a regents diploma and 18 college credit hours. I smoked weed almost daily, all through college, and i graduated with a 3.6 gpa and got my B A S. I love my family, and i dont get high at work or behind the wheel of my car because i know that other people love their family. HOWEVER im made to feel like a criminal every time i get called for a drug test at work. I have to find someone (my brother) to piss clean for me, sneak it into the test, the whole time feeling dishonest. All because, instead of having a beer after work, i have a joint. So im a hardworking person made to feel a criminal, while the criminal that sells drugs on the street, gets his food stamps, and welfare, and has plenty of cash on hand. If i get caught with a bag of weed, i get treated the same as him....
Man, Christopher, you are one
Man, Christopher, you are one brave dude.
Well said, Christopher. Right
Well said, Christopher. Right On
Chris, you must be reasonably
Chris, you must be reasonably confident your employer doesn't read TheBatavian.
Hey doug!.....I never
Hey doug!.....I never realized you were a george carlin fan?....me too.....lol....hes got alot of interesting ideas and beliefs that quite honestly, make perfect sense....there will never be another one like him....
For the first time that I can
For the first time that I can remember, doug and I are on the same page....hypothetically I guess....lol...
Sorry Chris, drugs in
Sorry Chris, drugs in Portugal have been de-criminalized. BUT THEY ARE NOT LEGAL. The picture you portrayed is a lil bit skewed. Most drugs you are allowed to posess about a gram for personal use, but if caught with more than that you can still face criminal charges, you also have to go thru screening if caught with the legal amount frequently. To make available treatment for addicts and to raise users awareness of the dangers.
Generalization doesn't really help the argument in this topic. If your interested this article will paint a clearer picture.
I agree with Christopher for
I agree with Christopher for the most part. My question is however.... when weed becomes legal. Will employers be able to administer piss tests and use results for weed as a condition of employment.
After all if you go to work drunk, you can be fired, but you dont have to prove that you dont drink by a test of your blood at work do you?
I guess it follows that if weed is de criminalized it'll have to be treated the same by employers wouldn't it?
I would follow the advice of
I would follow the advice of over 500 economists including 3 Nobel Laureates. Including Milton Friedman. The letter is about 8 or 9 years old, and the savings would be even larger today.
There's a difference between
There's a difference between "gettin' high" and "gettin' stupid".
Example 1: You and a couple buddies are sitting on the back porch when, alas, somebody pulls out a doobie. You decide to help them eradicate the 'evil weed' from this planet, so you agree to partake in its destruction by burning it - completely. That's "gettin' high".
Example 2: Same example as No. 1, except with the added caveat of "posting and boasting" about it on social media and/or open-news sites. That's "gettin' stupid". IMHO, of course.
Either way, I'm gonna guess that, come Christmas, 'bro' will be giving you an extra-special present - for opening him up to a (possible) conspiracy charge. Who knows, you might even get a drone.
Doug, There's a phrase around
There's a phrase around 12 step groups "one is too many a thousand is never enough". If you dump a truck load of dope and lock us in we'd be waiting for more in a week! (at least prior to RECOVERY)
I never said to lock them in.
I never said to lock them in. The fence is just to keep them from stumbling around the neighborhood. Coming in and out of the fence gate keeps out the guns and knives from the "stupor area" lol. Not that there will be any fighting anyway.
Druggies will get their drugs regardless of the law. Ask anyone that uses drugs if they're difficult to find. The answer to that question is obviously "no." How about all of the drugs that are confiscated, instead of burning them. give them all away for free. The junkies will be happy and the cartels will be out of business when people stop buying their product.
Oh please. “Own your choice”
Oh please. “Own your choice” of posting “….fence in a 200 yard perimeter, and tell all the local druggies to have at it. Come back in a week, load up the bodies…” It’s offensive enough without you squirming about not having used the literal words, “locked in.”
“Load up the bodies,” is pretty clear.
You’re sick and tired of paying for other people, are you? Boo hoo. So of course your solution is extermination. You really don’t see how offensive you are.
Who is taking your precious money? You should at least direct your hatred in the right direction. I didn’t say anything about saving people from themselves….that’s a tall order.. Like saving people from thinking that if only their beloved tax money wasn’t wasted “warehousing” icky people all of it would magically go exactly where they think it should. Or would you just have to keep killing people off until you’re satisfied.
If you’d rather keep your money go off the grid or become a corporate CEO or something. It’s laughable you think you’re capable of supporting so many, many people.
Julie, what happened to you?
Julie, what happened to you? Once upon a time you actually made sense. Now I'm having difficulty even figuring out what you're so made about. Yep, I'm tired of paying taxes that are used to pay for the mistakes other people make. Let them pay their own way. I'm not in favor of exterminating anyone. Drug addicts already accomplish that all on their own. Anyway, I've said it all before, but you can twist around what I said or what you think I mean all you'd like to. It's an open forum, so skew to your heart's content.
Well I see by your
Well I see by your condescending post YOU haven’t changed, Doug. As long as Howard doesn’t ban me and I feel like it, I will post here. I don’t require your permission.
You’re the one who’s twisting. If you feel you’re being misunderstood, then quit posting inflammatory, offensive crap. It’s not my job (or anyone else’s) to divine what you REALLY mean.
Do you honestly think your taxes will go down if there were no “druggies”? You can’t be that naïve.
I’m not mad. I’m disgusted by people who appear to think they are somehow better than others, and therefore entitled to pass a death judgment. It’s sickening.
Well I'll tell you what Julie
Well I'll tell you what Julie you'd be disgusted by me then. Because I have seen the damn video of ISIS terrorists beheading infants all weekend. I will tell you that I AM better than they are and I would not only pass a death judgment on them but I would put the barrel of my pistol right between their eyes and learn just enough of their language to say, "For those infants" before slowly pulling the trigger.
Then I would sleep guiltless...
Sometimes thinking your better and passing judgement is appropriate. Especially in light of the way things are going in the world.