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Six guys hanging out behind pizzeria creating a suspicious condition

By Billie Owens

Now about six males are reportedly hanging out behind Batavia's Original Pizzeria, "suspicious activity." City police are responding to the location, 500 E. Main St.

UPDATE 7:31 p.m.: Police have cleared the scene.

curtis jackson

not at all tim I can tell you exactly what it was....I bet they were men of color genesee county is really racists...they love to sterotype people.that is the truth!

Feb 23, 2014, 10:08pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Curtis? Were you there? Do you realize the hypocrisy in your statement. You stereotyped genesee county by calling everyone racists. Making your own statement racist as well. Both this incident and the fight earlier in the day/week were both groups of mixed races. I saw this group as I had to walk by on my way home from 7/11. They didn't look to menacing to me.

Racism will not go away as everyone is prejudicial it's an instinct that protected us since before civilization. We have several of those "instincts" surviving today. Matrixing which is seeing faces in chaotic patterns. As well as awareness while sleeping, ever wake up just before your alarm is set? Or wake up from sleep or nap for an unexplained reason to have someone tell you that there was a strange noise in the house? These are just a few holdovers. It doesn't excuse racism but it does explain why it is so hard to eliminate. The day we see kids stop ganging up and picking on each other over little differences. Thats the generation that will have the hope of eliminating racism.

Feb 24, 2014, 7:02am Permalink
curtis jackson

IM white and see my black friends being treated differnt by mostly older need to grow up un 30 years it will be almost non existant

May 4, 2014, 10:08pm Permalink

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