The man accused of robbing the Sunoco station at West Main and Dellinger Avenue on Tuesday night reportedly told police after his arrest that he wrote out a note, put on a red hoodie and black ski mask and brandished an Airsoft gun in an attempt to obtain cash to support his daughter.
Edward Wood III, 21, of Vine Street, Batavia, is charged with robbery, 2nd, criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, petit larceny, menacing, 2nd, and criminal mischief, 4th.
In a sworn statement to police, Wood admits to the robbery and says, "I'm sorry for what I did. I would not have done this if I had money to support my daughter."
Even though Wood was allegedly carrying an Airsoft gun, the clerk in the station took the situation very seriously.
"When he walked in, he started pointing a gun at me," the clerk wrote in his statement. "It was a black handgun. It looked like a Glock to me. The gun was already drawn at me when I first saw him. ... He said, 'Give me the money, Bro. I'm not playing around.' Then he chambered a round in the gun and kept it pointed at me."
The clerk also said at one point, the robber slammed the gun down on the counter, breaking the glass.
"I was afraid he might shoot me," the clerk wrote. "I opened the cash drawer and started taking out all the bills. When I got to the singles, he said 'That's enough. That's good.' "
Wood's version of events differs slightly.
He said he borrowed the Airsoft pistol (a gas-fired pellet gun) from a friend and wrote out a note that said, "Empty the cash drawer, put the Newport cigarettes in bag."
"I told the guy at the counter to not be stupid and give me the money," Wood reportedly told investigators. "I had the Airsoft gun in my right hand. The guy froze at first. He then told me to take what I wanted, pointing at stuff around the store. I told him I did not want that. I banged the barrell of the gun on the counter and I told him I wanted money."
Wood told investigators he took the money and ran from the store, down Dellinger Avenue, discarding the sky mask and hoodie as he fled.
He said he made it to his uncle's house and started to walk up the front steps, but then changed his mind about stopping there.
As he started to continue on his way, two Batavia PD patrol cars arrived on scene.
Dispatchers reported the robbery to patrols at 9:50 p.m.. Officers James DeFreze and Jamie Givens had Wood in custody at 9:53 p.m.
Wood was jailed without bail.
Previously: Sunoco on West Main robbed, suspect already in custody
His motives might be
His motives might be interrupted as admirable: " I have to support my daughter". Has it ever come into his head that a JOB might be the correct path!
He needed Newports to support
He needed Newports to support his daughter?
He should've just gone down
He should've just gone down to 5130 E. Main Street and asked them to steal the money on his behalf. Then he wouldn't be facing jail time.
Here's a Glock 17 airsoft
Here's a Glock 17 airsoft replica that he probably used. Looks pretty damn real to me in a panic situation.
Can you legally carry the
Can you legally carry the replica? Like let's say as for a piazza delivery person?
It would strike me as
It would strike me as potentially foolhardy to pull out a pellet gun when confronted by an armed robber who might be carrying the real thing.
Does it matter at all The
Does it matter at all
The Scanner call didn't say - "Robbery occurred with BB Gun"
The officer's deputies and troopers responding had no clue it was a BB gun when the received the call
Law Enforcement swarmed at high speed, in winter weather driving conditions endangering themselves, pedestrians and other motor vehicle operators.
Young Eddie might have found himself with a 9MM whole in him, you can't tell if it is a replica from 30 feet away or a foot away under pressure for that matter.
I don't find it at all funny, and I especially do not find it to be any less of a crime
"I was afraid he might shoot me," the clerk wrote That is all that matters
what job could he get????? It
what job could he get?????
It took me almost all of 2005 and 2006 to finally land a the in between time morrtgage companies bill collectors etc are callin ya that theyre gonna shut you off or take your home the thought of robbing a bank came to mind...its frustrating, depressing and you lose your dignity!....i understand....i dont expect anyone who hasnt been near the breaking point to understand
sad for everyone involved
sad for everyone involved
Thank you for proving my
Thank you for proving my point Mary.... I'm sure he doesnt have a mortgage or nearly as many obligations or he would have demanded cash instead of newports. But just from your own comment we can take away that, you thought about robbing a bank, but did you go to the trouble of altering an airsoft gun to look more real, then go into a place point it at another human being and terrorize them into doing your will then leave with your loot?
Thats the difference between a good person and a bad person. Yes we all have our breaking point but we have our morals , and when we violate them we live with the consequences.
Mary, how many hold ups did
Mary, how many hold ups did you do commit during the time you were unemployed? None? Oh. So there are alternatives to addressing tough times?
You seem to be condoning criminal behavior. That's why I voted negative on your post.
Please Mary, I can't for the
Please Mary, I can't for the life of me believe that this kid robbed a store at gunpoint to 'Support His Daughter'
There is NO EXCUSE for armed robbery. fake gun or not,
Whether the clerk's version or his own version, he threatened a man with what he wanted him to believe was a real gun for the purpose of stealing.
, 'Give me the money, Bro. I'm not playing around.' or "I told the guy at the counter to not be stupid and give me the money," Which ever version you wish was a real and creditable threat.
"Empty the cash drawer, put the Newport cigarettes in bag."
When did his daughter start smoking?
"What job could he get????"
"What job could he get????" A young healthy man like that, full or part time farm work. There is plenty of it and all of the money would stay and be spent here in the United States
To be honest during the last
To be honest during the last few storms any able bodied person could have made a killing (poor choice of expressions) shoveling sidewalks and walkways. Sure its not the greatest work but I saw shovels flyin across the city in last week's windy conditions and you can easily pick one up or borrow....legally borrow I mean...
Theres always answers, they may not be permanent solutions, but neither is knocking off a convenience store or robbing your neighbors.
On the evening of January
On the evening of January 7th, the day of the snowstorm, two young men approximately Edward Wood's age came to my door and asked if they could shovel my sidewalks and driveway for $20.00.
I have a snow thrower and was going to do it the next morning. God bless them! I hired them for their gumption and their work ethic to be out on such a night. My wife Cindy made them a pot of coffee-we tipped them after.
One of them was wearing a ski mask and the other had a hoodie under his Carhartt Work Coat.......enough said.
And your action Mr. Richmond,
And your action Mr. Richmond, strengthened the work ethic that these young men have shown. Kudos to you. Kudos to those young men and further evidence that all is not totally lost.
Hmm. Why does they phrase
Why does they phrase "Jobs Americans just won't do" come to mind?
If he was willing to work, there are hard jobs available. Farm work is an example. There are also programs being advertised on local radio where you get paid to learn a trade. A damn good paying trade at that. (They have to PLEAD for candidates?!?!!? REALLY???)
There were options, but he chose the stupid "get rich quick" option instead of the "hard work" option. He is damn lucky he did not end up significantly perforated, and enjoying the tender mercies of the ICU, or dead right there. He had options: He chose poorly.
I suppose the anti-gun folks will now call for the banning of airsofts now, rather than address the problem of "get rich quick" thinking. It seems they always find a way to blame the inanimate object rather than the idiot at fault.
I was an Assistant Manager
I was an Assistant Manager for a restaurant making $34k a year. Stuff happened, lost my job, took me a bit to get stable and look for work. Thanks to family, friends, and my church, things are looking up. I'm currently in an EMT class through Batavia City Fire while delivering pizzas. It's not a glamorous job and the class is tough, but it pays the bills and sets me up for something better. My daughter, even at the age of 4, tells me she's proud of me. All the motivation I need.
Oh and for the record, the year and 5 months I was out of work, I never thought about robbery. After all, I have a daughter who needs me.
This is what some people do
This is what some people do out of desperation in order to care for their families:…
There is plenty of assistance available in our county for those who are 'down and out.' With adjusted unemployment in the country at 37%, most do not feel compelled to burglarize or rob.
We need to get back to the basics if our country is going to make it. Faith. Family. Country.
I feel your pain Greg. I
I feel your pain Greg. I almost lost a foot to diabetes. I haven't had a job since 2011 but thanks to church members, family and friends, as well as my own determination. I have gotten by with very little assistance. The hospital applied for ssi as they were certain I would be unable to sustain work on my feet. But that is still in appeals. My wife works (we even got married during this time) so we are ok.
I fix computers and help people with other things and they have paid me. As soon as I was ok'ed for work I applied to place but most turned me down because of length of time I was unemployed and the reasons why. I volunteer now so that my resume shows I will work despite my medical conditions. State vesid programs are getting me into an educational program to get me new jobs skills strengthened to fit my new physical limitations. I lost a job a vehicle and barely hung on. But thanks to my ability to keep mentally active here in these forums, even hobbling out to City Council Meetings during the trash issue and GCEDC issues and meetings got me through it.
Never had I even considered burglary or robbery to solve even the most fleeting monetary issue. I volunteer at Crossroads now while I am waiting to find employment because it is good work to reform the habits and routines I lost. Also in helping those people it serves it teaches me that there are loving caring people out there who face issues we have no concept of til we are in their shoes. Its humbling and every day I learn your circumstances don't make you. You make your circumstances.
Kudos Greg....drop some breadcrumbs as you get back to the business of life. I know theres alot of people besides me on that long road behind you and you show us what a good attitude and a good heart can accomplish.
Thank you Kyle. Prayers for
Thank you Kyle. Prayers for you and your family. Keep to you goals.