SOOOOOOOOOOO much has been said about keeping and/or not keeping this dilapidated brick Hotel -- eyesore at the corner of Main Street and Lake Street (Routes 5 and 19) that I, along with most everyone else in town, was tired of hearing about. Finally someone with a brain made a decision and had the dump torn down.
I was away on a month's vacation, leaving Le Roy at the end of the demolition and returned to find "IT" gone completely, bulldozed smooth bringing into a great view of our beautiful, historic Presbyterian Church into full view as we approach Main Street from the north, and more. It welcomes travelers to our Village with a more formal, eye-catching sight of our little, quaint village with the charming hospitality we deserve.
You know, if some of you were, in fact, native inhabitants of our town, the Wiss would be remembered as a vibrant, elegant feature on that now-vacant corner. It housed, not only a wonderfully ornate lobby, but, what would now be considered a three-star restaurant operated by chef Theo Bunko and his wife, Heidi.....who made pastries the likes of which one would have to travel to Austria to enjoy.....but, as all things neglected, we ended up with a smelly saloon and shabby rooms for rent (until they became uninhabitable). we see there's a fully grown, green lawn to hide what stood (due to) the initiative of the people next door on Lake Street who "dressed up" and beautified the adjacent building on the Lake Street approach to Main (thank you), it is even more appealing a welcome. It is said that there are possibly thousands of cars, trucks and motorhomes that pass east and west, south and north that encountered the pitiful condition of the first building they saw on our Main Street corner.......that observation was seemingly the best truth presented for the argument for keeping the structure for renovation. But "they" were referring to what their plan would have (or might have) looked like if we allowed the shenanigan to proceed. Everyone has a right to their ideas, no matter good or bad, but it shouldn't be pushed onto folks who do not share the same vision. If only they cared about Le Roy more than themselves and their bank accounts.
Now that we're on the way to making "pretty," I heard through the grapevine (of which small communities are famous for) that the Le Roy Hose (Fire Co.) has offered a few solid park benches to grace the empty "park." That's a beginning. There are already three planters of flowers in bloom on the sidewalk on Main Street (again somebody had a nice idea and moved on it). So all we need now is for someone to offer to purchase some potted trees and maybe a nice sculpture to finish the project. There can even be a contest to "Name the Park" about that?
Anyone want to be memorialized at Lake and Main streets? Here's your chance. Bob Barker used to say: "Come on down!" It's someone's turn to come forward and continue to beautify the former (I like that term) Wiss Hotel space on OUR Main Street. How 'bout it someone?
And as for the Le Roy Swimming Pool......aren't we fortunate to have REAL community minded people with a vision for the happy fulfilling life in the Town and Village of Le Roy for her citizens? They had forward thinking, added to the guts to DO and restore something good for US Le Royans!
Bravo to everyone who sees Le Roy as our town/village and for those who believe they are the singular movers and the citizens' minds and listen to our voices with care, please. Make some sense so that we can all benefit from smart planning and forward thinking... FOREVER GONE & AMEN!
You do realize that some of
You do realize that some of the "REAL community minded people" who saved the swimming pool are the same people who fought to save the Wiss, don't you?
...Makes you want to invest
...Makes you want to invest in a bulldozer; imagine the vistas, languishing, unrevealed. The author missed his calling. He could have applied the salt following the keelhauling.
Sure do.....but one finished
Sure do.....but one finished project is far better than none! Most folks would enjoy a half a piece rather than have nothing at all. I am a mere, little mirror of text reflecting what the majority of the citizens of our little village (Leroy) think and believe, do not have the boldness to voice their thoughts....G.. forbid they're not liked by "the visionaries," but I do believe leave room for the rest of you "visionaries" to hold on to what's left of your dreams. Take the time, please, and look at photos of what was the Wiss'll understand why (maybe) there was no need to preserve the structure as it fell apart before our least before many of our eyes....sorry we did not share the vision of the "dreamers........"
Your point of view amuses
Your point of view amuses me......I mean I don't fully understand what annoys some of you who "chose LeRoy" over some other unfortunate town or village to preserve as you settled in. Everyone is welcome to live and flourish anywhere they like, but don't attempt to shove some silly progressive, or maybe some new and advanced agenda down everyone's the trees! save the creek bank! make room for 40% renters, who by-the-way, help make our Village less than pretty or pleasant (no matter the name of a once beautiful street (Pleasant) they also invaded as opposed to home owners who live in their houses! hold festivals, shabby farm, poorly attended markets, hosting so few vendors that it's not worth the trip to the park to shop! Sorry I forgot the Salt. But, I also do not remember seeing any of the village officials or town officials strolling the market or Main Street initiating/inviting comment or complement....who cares, any more......just save the trees and the Wiss Hotel and leave the "back Streets" alone....after all, who sees them anyway? Follow the what! (keelhauling?) Sorry, I may be a little uneducated to follow your for bulldozers, we have enough of them who live in LerRoy, who are trying their hardest to bring down what's always been good for us and replace it with what they think would be "better." I'd say, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, leave well enough alone! But as usual, you're all welcome to your thoughts and remarks....the readers will decide what to believe and understand. I remember that this was recently a free country with God's name Christmas Vacation or Easter Vacation, Halloween....well we still have April Fool's Day. I miss being invited to the schools for the Christmas Concerts, don't you? I guess what we forgot to eliminate are the Christmas presents, the Easter baskets and Trick or Treats and the Halloween parade...............It all can be bracketed together in this reply and are my feelings......if only mine alone.
I remember that ours was a free country once recently....and now?................
Sorry Don I dont believe you
Sorry Don I dont believe you are a mirror for any majority in LeRoy, maybe for your circle of friends since last census records 4,391 so for you to be voicing the "majority" then you gathered 2,196 people who werent bold enough to show up and voice their own? I hardly think so. As for the 40% renters in LeRoy, well its small wonder the keep to themselves and dont participate if your attitude is an example of how they are treated. Nice generalization of the renter's character you portray here.
As for saving the Weiss it's a moot point now that it's torn down. The thing is I cant help but notice how much you seem to relish rubbing the noses of those who would have like to see the place rehabbed and restored in the Weiss's ashes. As for the rest of your rant you contradict yourself. This was and is still a free country but if people follow your advice, and quote "Leave well enough alone" unquote... Then we will continue to see the erosion of those freedoms. You are so back and forth, no one asked to save the trees or the creekbank.
I'm thinking you just want some attention to be heard. Without dreamers and visonaries things would just get stangnant and boring.
Your ramblings confuse me
Your ramblings confuse me Don. How did we get from the Wiss to trick or treat?
Good that you have what you
Good that you have what you believe to be answers to my remarks.......figures! I believe that what I have to say is well worth the words and the attention it garners. I am one who voices opinions in public forum and I am the one who has been escorted out of village board meetings because "they" didn't like hearing from a tax payer on issues more kept quiet about than challenged. And yes, there has been a lot of "talk" about the wonderful tree lined streets (with rotting timber and a danger that they present)....but some want to save them!" As for the creek may not remember, but I do the fuss and debate made about the geese and how "they" knew how to discourage their "swimming" on the O-At-Ka... a stone wall was set, and at what expense....and they're (the geese) still there. Kyle, I speak from some knowledge and from listening to the community rant about a lot things some would rather keep under raps.....after all I have been in business longer than most people have resided here.....I hear and contribute to the militancy that should abound when silly and even, in my opinion stupid matters arise.....but with no army of (who evers) I can only express my personal dislike and bitter taste for the stuff I see and hear......and yes, we are still a free country.....that's why I can say what I want (not mentioning names) and you can reply! So go a head. As for wanting attention.....I get all I need and then some....and it works....your attention was harvested by my words!! I win!
Let it be known, that MY CIRCLE of friends have no pretense, they're not so much joiners as they are doers.....they belong to the silent majority, not the "in crowd and social climber-stamp licking types"....they're the real McCoy's with mostly Italian Last names. They're the people who were born in their Leroy homesteads on Bacon, Pleasant, Lake and Mill streets, they were bred on North Street and in the clean, wholesome neighborhoods now invaded by "don't care tenants"....are you surprised that they don't care.....we're not. We were educated in a school that respected education...........make of that what you will. I have some ideas on that subject that I might share in another blog....for now, this is my rebuttal to your it or not.
Don, during the course of the
Don, during the course of the Wiss Coverage, I spoke to a great number of people in Le Roy about it. While you're welcome to your POV, it was decidedly and unequivocally the minority POV. The great majority of people in Le Roy undoubtedly favored saving the Wiss. The board went ahead and acted against the wishes of the majority. There's no way of knowing for sure if that was truly the right decision, but what's done is done and now we move on, but don't try to rewrite history by claiming your position was the majority position. It wasn't.
"favored saving the Wiss" *
"favored saving the Wiss" * or rather, favored at least giving the LLC a short at it, even if they thought it was a hopeless cause (the spectrum of the majority against the minority view that it be torn down ranged from "damn straight it should be saved" to "not sure they can save it, but let them try."
Your rebuttal summed up is
Your rebuttal summed up is I'm right because I have been here longer than anyone else, me and my circle of friends are more entitled in Leroy because we were here first. You continue your generalization of renters, and picking on the details of creekbed conservation and then pick on trees that arent taken care of by village arborist. If you sand your circle really cared as well you would step up to volunteer or help out.
Your silent minority isnt even worth mentioning, as they are just that a minority. As for your being raised and educated in schools that respected education. Well I can see it didnt take, If you had to be removed from village board metting I'm thinking it more because you couldn't "respect" the rules board meetings are run by nore the opinions of others. Your biases show clearly in your rants as Your circle have no real status because they have been in Leroy for 40 years than a family who has been here 5. Thats a gentrification invented in your mind, not in reality. Every one person = 1 voice no matter how long they lived. If people arent passionate enough to speak up then they get the community and local govt that they deserve.
I have add so harvesting my attention is no winning accomplishment. A squirrel going about its business can do that. I just have a problem with people spouting BS and your so all over the map with your my silent majority this and bringing militancy to stupid and silly matters.
My last question is if you dont lick your stamps, how do they stick to the envelope?
Glad its not just me Beth I
Glad its not just me Beth I was confused as well.....
I was one of the people who
I was one of the people who knew this building's time was done. And I will say that the view at that intersection is much improved. The owner of McD's was opposed to the demolition; I'm curious if his business benefited from the much improved sight lines now that his restaurant improved it's visibility 1000%
I guess this matter has
I guess this matter has become an argument. I'll point out that I purchase the new, good idea stamps that come ready to peel and stick, relieving me of having to lick a surface I believe to be un-clean!
Howard, Just as the "tic
Howard, Just as the "tic matter of some months ago" so many vocal, wanting to be know-it-alls vacillated from pro to con.....the majority of the folks you talked with had their ideas....and those who shared their views with me in and outside of my café had theirs. So let the people decide.
I'll bet the opposition from
I'll bet the opposition from Mickey-Dee was based on talk of competition moving onto the corner real estate.
I don't think you'll see much
I don't think you'll see much being built on the chunk of land that used to hold The Wiss Hotel. Not until the next building east of it is willing to sell. Then, there will be enough room to build. Just my opinion, though.
The current discussion should
The current discussion should be about what to do next. In April the Mayor gave the community 6 months to come to the board with their ideas about what to do next. Thus far of those who have stepped forward in person and in writing the overwhelming majority suggest a park/green space, while one suggests further demolition to make way for a Micro WalMart/Target type store.
The end of 6 months is drawing rapidly near. You can email us, send a letter to the village hall, or call us individually. If you email me I will ask your permission to forward to the whole board.
I like you Don. I think you
I like you Don. I think you are a fine Le Royan and a good guy....but this entry and your comments are nothing but a spewing of divisiveness.
A 'them' vs. 'us', 'Italians from the North side of town' vs. who? The Irish from the South side?, 'Home owners' vs. 'renters', 'progressives' vs. 'conservatives', 'pro pool' vs. 'anti pool', 'REAL Le Royans' vs. 'the new to the area or first generation crowd'. You might as well have built a wall to divide the community on all your many levels of just who is worthy of giving an opinion or fighting for a cause.
The decision was voted on democratically by a board voted in by village voters. I would have liked to have seen the group try to rehab it, but I do like the green space tremendously. Like you, Don, I think the corner looks fresh and clean and the new paint on Bob Stefani's business also kicks things up a lot. And like Jennifer said above, now it is decision time for how the space will evolve from here.
People will not agree on every decision the board makes and citizens should not be put into a 'category' that determines whether they are worthy of taking a stand on a public issue.
Four thumbs down Don....not because of your opinion, but because of your contempt for others opinions.
Lorie, The diversity we all
Lorie, The diversity we all are privileged to own as citizens allows us our own and personal opinions.....divisive or unifying, but they can each come under the column of our own. I respect your reply because it's your opinion, but why criticize my opinions.....fact or fiction, I own them and will not move off my thinking.
I am glad and honored that you like me.....seemingly one of the few......but I can handle that....I'm a "big boy now!"
Everyone who disagrees with my thoughts didn't read deeply enough into my frustration about "who cares" or "who has concerns".....this is our village mine and theirs, and I for one am distressed to see it slipping away (in my never-to-be-humble opinion) for unnecessary and even silly reasons........for those offended, I will not apologize for my beliefs, and I will not criticize yours....after all I have mentioned on every occasion we are (were) a free country and should all enjoy the exercise of free speech! (and not personal attacks naming or singling out individuals)..................
The world remains round, by Celestial Design, so that no--one needs to be backed into a non existent corner!
I have sent along an e-mail
I have sent along an e-mail to the Mayor and the BOT....and you have my permission to share it with whom ever you want. It is what it is: end subject!
Thats nice Don, so what your
Thats nice Don, so what your saying is you expect to exercise your freedom of speech while expecting others to curb theirs in response. As for personal attacks, as Lorie pointed out you seem to think it's ok to attack groups of Leroyans based on where they lived and their status as owners or renters. No one asked you to apologize for your beliefs. But when you make an incorrect statement that you are the voice of a majority people are gonna take issue with that incorrect fact. Seems you believe you and your circle to be above most others and that you have the right to voice opinions and not hear any response to said opinions.
As for the world being round, it reminds me of a joke about God's sense of humor...
God said Good wives and husbands shall be found in all corners of the world. Then He made the world round, and laughed and laughed.
Kyle's right. It isn't that
Kyle's right. It isn't that you voiced your opinion. It is the way you slung mud at people with differing opinions.
I will bet that you can take any LeRoyan and make a list of issues and you won't find a list of people that all line up in lockstep on everything. It's the nature of the beast.
I will use myself as an example. I was FOR selling the Wiss, against WalMart coming in, FOR using the parks and recreation grant to stabilize and beautify the creekbank -- remember the works program that funded dredging and creating the creekbank in the first place? Damn stamp lickers from the 1920's. Against Walgreens coming in, FOR new lighting on Main Street, FOR the pool reopening, FOR the Planned Unit Development on Robbins Rd and yes I am FOR the trees (they make oxygen and are beautiful) but if they are dead or dying they must come down for the public's safety. And while I like geese, I am against walking through their excrement while strolling the creekbank -- which I did agree was somewhat of an issue because I believe that the creek is our best natural resource, a potential economic driver and keeping it up is important
Mind you, I am a town resident and don't vote in the village, so most of my opinions are moot. But here is my example of where my opinions stand. Am I one of the "stamp lickers"? I do have the good Italian last name -- by marriage though (Northern Italian, which may make a difference) but my ancestry is Irish and German. I am a lifelong Le Royan with two lines of my family going back to the 1800's as Le Roy citizens, so I hope that my pedigree allows me to speak up. Growing up on South St may be a strike against me, though.
But, seriously, on many of these issues I differed with people on the board that I respect and support and would have voted for. I happen to know from reading blogs and hearing things on the "streets" that the decision to raze the Wiss instead of selling it was very difficult for board members. I respect their angst and respect their decision......even though I didn't agree with it.
So my point Don is you can disagree without being disagreeable and certainly without being hateful. You're getting called out because your entry showed a broad brush disdain for the so called 'others' that you believe are ruining our community simply because they have a difference of opinion than you and your friends.
Point taken, I guess. What
Point taken, I guess. What wrote and maybe said is how I really feel, Lorie......and I can honestly say that I am not sorry if I offended anyone or many........what is will last a long time in the minds of the guilty......maybe some of whom I wrote and possibly knowingly criticized....but, note, not by a name nor a nationality, they introduced that as an assumption because I pin pointed neighborhoods, but not nationalities. Anyone who wanted to reside on any street in the Village was welcome to do so......
I HAVE ALWAYS AND WILL BE FOREVER A GUY WHO, IF HE HAS IT ON HIS MIND IT QUICKLY FINDS ITS WAY TO HIS TONGUE OR PEN. That can be a determent or a many find shelter in pretense and avoiding confrontation, and if they do find the guts to address their thoughts, they do so on marshmallow mattresses, in soft apologetic tones and with less than aggressive adjectives.....not me! I tell it like I (personally) see it.
Many believe they know me.....but they only know my name. That's where it is, and I like it that way. Familiarity does indeed breed contempt....if
not only hidden, but approaching from behind you. I have suffered many stab wounds in my out spoken life....I didn't enjoy them, but willingly tolerated them for who I am. I do indeed select my circle as we all select our friends......strange that figs will not grow on an apple, my point here is, we select people with like thinking and philosophies.............makes life a little simpler in a complex world. I like the world I have chosen to live in, a lot, and seldom invite anyone in who lives by a different and strange (to me) outlook from mine.
Once again, I appreciate your remarks because they're your own, and maybe you know me (a little).......and you're entitled to them. But, please allow me my thoughts on the many things I believe to be not in the best interest for the whole. I too live in the Town and have no right to vote, but I do have the right to criticize if I see a need!
Lastly, I am amused by remarks from folks who have no idea who I am, just the rumors and slander they probably feed on. ( I believe I studied something about those attitudes in a sociology course, many years ago.....but the PC crowd must have changed or altered those wise and great academic sciences to suit the modern approach to rationalizing the real into obscurity.) Just watch out for the storm this remark insights!
Again, I am who I am, regardless of what anyone thinks, or how they approach matters that do effect each of us (again in my opinion)'s their right. So I read and smile....sometimes laugh, at what storms I initiate and the "hate and slander" it generates......after all it's good for the soul and the heart to be angry! Better than a 5 mile run or walk!
Something Don needs to
Something Don needs to remember is that opinions arent truths. They are just a viewpoint filtered through someone life expereince. I pity you Don as your life's experince has left it's mark in your opinions and how they are expressed.