Supporters of Genesee ARC are planning a rally at 6:15 p.m., Monday, outside Batavia City Hall, to voice support of the agency, which may lose its garbage collection contract with the city.
The city council will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on proposed changes to local laws governing garbage collection.
The changes are necessary to institute an automated tote collection system.
Genesee ARC, which has collected trash in the city for nearly 30 years, submitted the highest bid for the new contract.
I will be there what can I
I will be there what can I bring or do?
I will be there in spirit. I
I will be there in spirit. I hope the City COuncil makes the right choice.
from what i have been reading
from what i have been reading in the batavian,the people do not want "change" even if it will allow the tax rate to be lowered....go figure..some of the arguments are pretty lame too,like,where will i put my garbage tote?they have handicap people working for them....on a small scale,it's exactly why nothing can get done in the other branches of government...
Being part of a small
Being part of a small community I always try to shop locally to support our community. It really saddens me to think that they are even contemplating taking this service away from ARC. ARC has done a great job and has put forth a lot of time, effort and money into refining and developing a top notch service. This has been a win win situation as it not only provided an opportunity to employ disabled people within our community, but also provided a great service as well. I commend ARC and their past performance with the trash/recycling service. Keep in mind those ARC employees are also putting their money back into our community as they are spending it locally as well. I hope the local powers to be will also see the value that this match holds.