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Today's Poll: Should the Le Roy school district spend more money on environmental testing?

By Howard B. Owens
tim raines

ALL tests need to be done or there will still be questions about how safe the environment is around the school and neighborhood.

Spend money on testing instead of the law firm they hired.

What's the attorney costing the school district?

Feb 6, 2012, 8:38am Permalink
bud prevost

I voted yes, but only so the original test results are confirmed. I truly believe it's unnecessary, but it may help squelch any more unfounded rumors from running rampant. I believe that Leader is recommending more "comprehensive" testing, knowing that the results will be virtually identical, because money makes the world go round.
I have refrained from commenting, until I was comfortable with the district getting a handle on things. I believe they did the best they could, given the circumstances. The situation escalated because they were negligent in how they shared information, and because the news media (except for Howard) went way to far in prying into people's personal business. I am confident we will get back to normal in the near future, and I'm hopeful that the kids who have suffered through this come out as normal as is possible.

Feb 6, 2012, 9:32am Permalink
matt riggi

At the time of this post, "No" has the lead. Last week at this time, it was a landslide saying that the school district did not have the best interests of the children in mind. Interesting...

Feb 6, 2012, 10:41am Permalink
Ed Gentner

It is clear that the best way to ascertain the underlying cause for the problem is to call in the Center for Disease Control (CDC). This federal agency is charged with the responsibility of tracking down causes and vectors for otherwise unknown diseases or conditions that often are hard to pinpoint. They are the trained experts in the field of epidemiology. The reasons provided so far have been guesses, opinions and assorted hyperbole from all quarters none of which are conclusive or have satisfied the parents of many of the children in the district who have legitimate concerns. This is truly one of those times that the entry of the federal government is needed to provides answers that assures that the health and safety of the whole communuity is the number one concern.

Feb 6, 2012, 11:04am Permalink
Ed Gentner

I did read the NYS Dept of Health statement and it readss more like a review than a real study that examines the problem. The CDC is uniquely qualified to do an in depth investigation.

The conclusion that it's mass hysteria is convienient and if true has an underlying cause that has yet to be determined. Historicaly this type of occurance has been called a host of things from demonic possesion to witchcratft and sorcery. The number of unrelated subjects that have presented the same symptoms in a small but otherwise genetically diverse community with the onlly outliers being a thirty-something nurse and one male student demands a study to determine the cause. Is it an illness, hoax, or something yet to be discovered? I for one am curious and would like very much to know what it is.

Feb 6, 2012, 2:11pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

Why should it cost more to do additional testing when they are just using different government agency's to do the testing...Isn't that why we pay taxes..... Bowcock and Brockovich aren't planning on chagring the school for testing are they.......Has the school, had to spend money for this govenment testing that has been done so far.. ..

Feb 6, 2012, 3:15pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

If the district has nothing to hide, why not just let the Brockovich team in to investigate? After all, if there's nothing there, then there's nothing there and they have nothing to lose, right?

Feb 6, 2012, 9:24pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

Howard i guess i was just assuming that the New York dept of Health ,The CDC ,Boces.I think there were also few others reported that did testing...All government depts were doing all of the testing..Thats why i asked how much has the school had to spend so far...If so than why..Any government agency should not be charging for their services.......The question was......................Should the Le Roy school district spend more money on environmental testing?...What money have they spent so far......i don't think Bowcock is charging the school for what testing he wants to do......The EPA is cleaning up the TCE site ..I don't think they are charging for that...

Feb 6, 2012, 10:15pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

Then i guess i would have to wonder what is the sense of having all these government agencies ...Federal ,State, and Local that we pay taxes for if we are just going to hire a private company to do the government's job... .......Why have any of these Dept..............Howard do you know how much has been spent so far ...You would think that the school would have some kind of liability insurance to pay for allot of this......

Feb 7, 2012, 12:43am Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Daniel, what are you talking about?

Mark, I've not yet been able to get anything on cost.

Aren't you the conservative who wants things privatized? How much more in taxes do you want to pay to have all of these highly degreed specialist on some government staff to do this sort of thing? Not to mention the equipment and maintaining the labs ... for a rather infrequent need?

Feb 7, 2012, 7:15am Permalink
John Roach

So you are still going with this is a cover-up or a CYA. Give us a reason why they would. What would be the motivation?

I would rather have a private company do the testing. But you are right, there are too many of these agencies.

Feb 7, 2012, 7:23am Permalink
Mark Potwora

Howard yes i would rather see this done by private companies...but not both...We are going to be paying twice...My point is we are allready paying for government...Then get rid of their function to do this ......Why should taxpayers pay twice..Must be these so call government professionals are not so professional if you have to pay again to do the testing they have allready done.....Doesn't make sense...........

Feb 7, 2012, 9:50am Permalink
John Woodworth JR

Daniel, LeRoy School officials did not allow Brockovich's team to investigate because, one he showed up unannounced and did not identify himself properly. All visitors are required to report directly to the main office. This is an major safety policy for the students and the school staff. It had nothing to do with hiding something.

Feb 7, 2012, 1:25pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

Mark, a private agency is doing the testing, yet parents are still asking the school to hire an independent agency. They have people! It is parents are unwilling to accept the truth. The reason the school is paying for both because, the parents (taxpayers) are unwilling to accept the answer from the BIG BAD GOVERNMENT. MS Cox is appeasing the parents but, it is lost cause because, some of these parents in my eyes are once again unwilling to accept the simple truth.

I love how individuals call a radio station (WHAM) and state their daughter has been diagnosed with something other than "Conversion Disorder" but, would not state what is was. So, it must not be environment or an infectious disease otherwise, he would of informed the public of the danger within LeRoy.

Feb 7, 2012, 1:37pm Permalink

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