I spotted this giant field of hay bales off Bank Street Road this morning on my way to the fire in Bergen and made a mental note to return at my first opportunity to take pictures. That opportunity arrived this afternoon.
Howard... welcome to farm country. That's a wheat field that produces wheat grain, and what's left after the wheat is harvested is called straw - not hay.
If it's gold it's straw, and there was wheat grain on the top of it when it was cut. If it's green it's hay, and that can be made of many different varieties of green growth... but the most popular is alfalfa.
You gotta get outa the city more often, there's a lot to learn out here besides how to sell pictures :)
I passed these last nite on a
I passed these last nite on a ride -- beautiful but sad to know the summer is fading away --- you can always tell the season by the farmers---
Howard... welcome to farm
Howard... welcome to farm country. That's a wheat field that produces wheat grain, and what's left after the wheat is harvested is called straw - not hay.
If it's gold it's straw, and there was wheat grain on the top of it when it was cut. If it's green it's hay, and that can be made of many different varieties of green growth... but the most popular is alfalfa.
You gotta get outa the city more often, there's a lot to learn out here besides how to sell pictures :)
Ed - you forgot to tell
Ed - you forgot to tell Howard why the difference is important - hay gets EATEN by animals - straw doesn't.