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It's Time For A New Generation of Candidates

By Daniel Jones

Over the past few years I have involved myself in politics in Genesee County and specifically in the City of Batavia.  During that time I have seen Batavia and Genesee County experience ups and downs, from scraping the bottoms of high deficit and debts to being fiscally in the black.  Batavia is currently at a crossroads, we are at the pinnacle of a shift to a new type of economy that is taking root in Western New York.  Due to being placed between Buffalo and Rochester, we are centrally placed for the rebirth of both cities as growth begins in exciting new industries (light manufacturing, tech and data entry to be specific).

That all being said, old ideas and old ways of local government operating are going to go out with the dinosaurs.  Yes, the same old problems will always dominate local issues, whether it be taxes, crime or neighborhoods.  We have a tremendous opportunity though to change the way that we address these issues because of the information age.  Government can instantly access information and make itself more efficient to provide services to citizens and reduce the old layers of acrimonious, old-style government.  New efforts for government consolidation provide progressive (not used in the national political sense, more meaning as forward thinking) ways to reduce costs, improve on the services we have and provide a lower tax burden by eliminating duplicating agencies.

Batavia needs a new generation of political candidates who understand these ideas.  We need candidates that understand the power of new technologies that make data easier to access and services easier to provide.  We need candidates that will harness the opportunities that are going to come out of Albany with regards to consolidating antiquated governments.  We need candidates that are going to be looking towards the future, intent on providing young families with a great place to grow, rather than constantly looking backwards towards easier times.

I do not mean this as a criticism of anyone who currently serves. I simply believe that Batavia needs candidates who will embrace moving towards the future, no matter how difficult the transition because they understand that our best days are ahead of us.  The future lies in innovation.

John Roach

You might be right. This coming year all 6 of the City Council Ward seats are up for election, as are all 9 County Legislature seats. For the people who keep saying things have to change, this would be a great time for them to do it.

Dec 13, 2010, 6:24am Permalink
Bob Harker

Dan, great op-ed.

I would, however, caution you, John, and John Q. Public on voting for change simply for the sake of change. The current state of our nation illustrates the catastrophe that can result.

Look for candidates that incorporate the ideas Dan listed, AND possess fiscally conservative, less entitlement, less government, less spending, less taxes, less favoritism, more integrity, and more TRUE transparency viewpoints.

I firmly believe that demanding more personal responsibility and accountability on the part of politicians AND citizens is the only way out of the current sad state of affairs in ALL levels of government.

Dec 13, 2010, 9:34am Permalink

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