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New Chris Lee ad attacks Kryzan as "liberal job killer"

By Howard B. Owens

Chris Lee, pulling language from the 1990s-era GOP play book, says up front, he approved this attack ad, which claims Kryzan wants to raise taxes $2,800.  I wonder where he gets those numbers?

I fairness, the Democrats already had an attack ad out.

So much for a campaign on the issues.

Instead of attacking each other, why don't they tell us how they're going to enable New York businesses to grow and create jobs, to improve living conditions and standards, to promote peace and stability?  I don't care if they don't like each other, or each other's parties. I want to know what they stand for, not against. Anybody can tear down. It takes a leader to build up. Instead of inciting fear, how about promoting hope?

Philip Anselmo

Figure for how much Alice Kryzan "wants to raise your taxes" comes from an article published on the Heritage Foundation Web site entitled: <a href="">"The House Budget Resolution: Tax Hikes Would Harm Economy, Taxpayers"</a>. For those keeping score, the Heritage Foundation describes itself as a "conservative think tank." The article is aiming at some pretty distant phenomena and performs some finely-tuned logical gymnastics, claiming the $2,000 in increased taxes would arrive in about 2012, and be somehow related to the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, and not just that, but because taxes go up, income will go down. Anyone else wishing to make sense of this, visit the link above.

Sep 26, 2008, 3:37pm Permalink
Gabor Deutsch

All the negative ads seem to just allow every politician to side step the issues.
It is too bad that they are not regulated by the people to say what they will do, sign a promissory note, and if elected held to there promises.
The cheapest way tax payers could vote : flip a coin and hope for the best.
Ah, politics it doesnt get more complicated than that.

Sep 27, 2008, 3:22pm Permalink

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