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LeRoy Pool

By Jennifer Keys

The LeRoy Pool Poll is in Sunday, November 22, 2009's LeRoy Penny Saver. Our Village Board listened to the voices of a few concerned citizens about the possibility of closing the pool permanently and created a poll to solicit the opinions of all residents before making a final decision. PLEASE take a few minutes to read the first page, an explanation of the choices and their impact on you, and then honestly answer the questions on the second page.

In order for YOUR OPINION to COUNT you MUST return it to the Village by 12/3/09---that is the Thursday after Thanksgiving (so less than 2 weeks).

PLEASE fill it out and send it back.

Thank you.

Lorie Longhany

Thank you for posting this, Jennifer.

All three of my kids benefited from the municipal pool with lessons.

The program has always been well staffed, going back to when I was a kid and spent nearly every summer day in that pool.

This survey should give the village board a sense of where the community stands on this issue.

Nov 23, 2009, 12:01am Permalink
Daniel Jones

Jennifer-Despite not winning the election your putting yourself out there as a community activist and leader by educating the public. That's admirable.

Nov 24, 2009, 12:35pm Permalink

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