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President Obama risks overexposure

By bud prevost

Kind of ironic that ABC news ran this story on Good Morning America. We were just discussing the other day that the president seems to be EVERYWHERE that a camera is turned on. Even more ironic that it's ABC (All Barack Content) that is running this news piece.

As I stated stated several days ago, it is near impossibe to avoid his image on TV, online, or in print. "Omnipresent" is the word used, which sounds rather Orwellian to me. The fact he is trying to do so much, so fast, without regard to future generations, scares me. And this news story just re-affirms what I already knew...this guy is charasmatic, and reads a teleprompter like nobody's business. But take aware the script, and he shows his true colors. "Cambridge police acted stupidly", or calling Kanye West a "jackass", just a couple of examples of speaking before thinking.

I'm sure I'll be called a name or two for pointing this out, especially if you are a young dem guy who has a serious man crush on our president.

Kelly Hansen

Hi Bud -

In regard to your statement about Kanye West and the President not thinking before speaking:

He said it off the record (and it was reported because someone else heard it on the satellite feed) and I agree with what he said. I disagree with much the President has said as both candidate and in office, but have to give him a rare 'attaboy' when he deserves it. Mr. President got this one right. No teleprompter necessary on this one. ;)

Sep 16, 2009, 3:59pm Permalink
Sean Valdes

I agree with Jeff and Kelly - Kanye West is a firm supporter of the President. It does take some courage and spine to stand up (even off the record) to a public figure that supports your campaign.

Sep 16, 2009, 4:44pm Permalink
bud prevost

My point is made. President Obama has to be weary of everything he says, because everything he says is scrutinized, on record or off. If he spent less time mugging for the camera and more time doing some serious collaborating with people who knew what was good for the country, he wouldn't keep finding himself being questioned about every little thing. He places himself in the middle of the media feeding frenzy, yet acts surprised when he is quoted. Hello? You gave up privacy when you took the oath.

Sep 16, 2009, 5:13pm Permalink
bud prevost

Miss Bea, I know nothing of him as an "artist", and I think his actions were deplorable. I used the president's remark to point out his condition: Hoof in mouth disease.

Sep 16, 2009, 5:17pm Permalink
Lorie Longhany

If both the right and the left is in total agreement with Obama's off the cuff remark about Kanye West we have found our common ground. The President was right, I don't think he was mugging for the camera's when he said it, and Kanye West was a "jackass".

Let's all savor this moment of bi-partisan unity.

Sep 16, 2009, 5:43pm Permalink
Jeff Allen

Even Presidents have to have the opportunity to shed the office from time to time. In the context of the conversation, he was really responding as a father and not an elected official. I stand with him on this one.

Sep 16, 2009, 5:58pm Permalink
bud prevost

The point of my post is this....the president is everywhere,24/7,365 in your face and in your space. I could care less about his opinion on some thug "musician"(and as a musician, I'm offended they call what he does music). I care boatloads on his economic policies, healthcare reform, and protecting our nation. He needs to spend more time out of the spotlight than in it. Overexposure was what this was about, kind of a little I TOLD YOU SO to Daniel Jones, young donkeycrat extraordinaire.

Sep 16, 2009, 7:00pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

Bud-President Obama is getting his message out, of course, you don't like the message so you would rather that he would just rather not try to convey his ideas to the American people. Barack Obama is the President of the United States, he's engaged and he's active in our national dialogue and as an American he has a right to speak his mind freely and as often as he wants to. I don't know why you have a problem with this.

Your little shot at me leaves me amused, your a very funny man.

Sep 17, 2009, 12:44am Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Bud, you need to change the channel and watch a nice reality show instead. You can't put yourself through eight more years of pain.

BHO is our beloved president and just as we had to watch Bush ruin our country for the last 8 years, you are going to have to watch BHO fix it. I am positive in the process he will toss everything you hold dear in the trash can.

BHO will talk to school children. He will be handing out Easter Eggs in the Rose Garden. He will even shake hands with socialist dictators. He has also shown a willingness to beat up scumbag rappers. Brace yourself, you will see his face everyday on Fox News. My advice is to watch this season of the Biggest Loser, I love that show.

Sep 17, 2009, 6:14am Permalink
Bea McManis

Posted by bud prevost on September 16, 2009 - 7:00pm
The point of my post is this.... I could care less about his opinion on some thug "musician"(and as a musician, I'm offended they call what he does music).

But, you do care or you wouldn't add the President's statement about Kanye West to your post.
I agree with the others, turn the channel!

Sep 17, 2009, 6:42am Permalink
bud prevost

Let me straighten something out for all of you. If you are an effective politician, I don't care what party you are affiliated with. Brace yourself, I've voted democrat in the past. I've also voted 3rd party for people I trusted. I DO NOT WANT BAD FOR OBAMA! If that happens, we're all screwed, aren't we. The whole point of this was to point out what I already knew....the media has an infatuation beyond all infatuations with the president. And by "turning the channel", that means ignore what I see is wrong with our country. Not gonna happen, not as long as I'm breathing. I may be a miniscule peon in the grand scheme of things, but my tiny little, freedom protected voice will continue to point out what I perceive as wrong. And all Obama, all the time is getting old, very old.

Sep 17, 2009, 7:07am Permalink
Bea McManis

Maybe, this administration can find someone who's face you don't mind seeing on television. Obama is the President. If he wants to be on six programs in one day, he has that right. Just as you have the right to express your opinion. I agree, it is important for you to come out and discuss what is happening in our country but you seen to want to limit the time that the President does the same.

He is engaging, well mannered, and articulate. If the media is infactuated, it might be because he is a breath of fresh air after eight years of someone who wasn't.

You will be spared watching any of the six programs on which President Obama will appear. He will not be on any programs aired by Fox.

Sep 17, 2009, 8:02am Permalink
bud prevost

I'm going to be quiet now. Obviously, the point I was attempting to make was lost. I find it ironic that the worst offender of Obama overkill is ABC News, and they are the one's speculating on overexposure. That's it.

Sep 17, 2009, 8:23am Permalink

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