I saw them over housetops. I heard some booms, and looked out the window but looked north and saw nothing. Then one caught my eye. Yes it was a great display! Never thought to grap the camera.
Chapin Industries celebrated its 125th anniversary tonight. More than 400 people attended. They had food, games, hot air balloon rides, factory tours and fireworks. I'll have a story and pictures some time tomorrow.
Thanks, Howard.
It was just a pleasant surprise to look up and see fireworks. It was a grand display.
Congrats to Chapin for a long and successful part of the Batavia business community.
We were at the ghost walk at
We were at the ghost walk at the Batavia Cemetery and saw them. They seemed close but, we couldn't figure out where they were coming from.
I saw them out of one of my
I saw them out of one of my east window. I couldn't tell distance, but I was looking southeast, maybe towards Farrell park or out Creek Rd somewhere.
I had the perfect view of
I had the perfect view of them. Whatever it was, they did it up right!
I saw them over housetops. I
I saw them over housetops. I heard some booms, and looked out the window but looked north and saw nothing. Then one caught my eye. Yes it was a great display! Never thought to grap the camera.
Chapin Industries celebrated
Chapin Industries celebrated its 125th anniversary tonight. More than 400 people attended. They had food, games, hot air balloon rides, factory tours and fireworks. I'll have a story and pictures some time tomorrow.
Thanks, Howard. It was just a
Thanks, Howard.
It was just a pleasant surprise to look up and see fireworks. It was a grand display.
Congrats to Chapin for a long and successful part of the Batavia business community.
I wish I knew that, I worked
I wish I knew that, I worked there 13 years, would have loved to check this out!
Yea, me too & I guess it has
Yea, me too & I guess it has changed quite a bit
that what I keep hearing!!!
that what I keep hearing!!! LOL