An Amateur Athletic Union youth basketball club -- WNY Rebels -- will host a golf tournament on Saturday, Aug. 11, at Batavia Country Club.
It is located at 7909 Batavia Byron Road, Batavia.
Straight Tee times starting at 9:45 a.m. until 11:15 a.m.
The first fully paid teams will be accepted this year.
Cost is $75 per golfer, or $300 per (four-person) team and includes 18 holes of golf with cart, a hot dog or hamburger with beverage at the turn, and dinner afterward.
Dinner is a 1/2 BBQ chicken with all the fixings. Golfers also get a T-shirt.
There will also be a closet-to-the-pin challenge and a longest-drive challenge.
"This four-man scramble will be best ball."
Please join us for a day of fun!
There will also be a 50/50 and basket raffles.
If you have questions, please contact: Aaron McFollins at (585) 993-7309; or Otis Thomas at (585) 993-0244.
Mail checks to:
WNY Rebels c/o Otis Thomas
46 Tracy Ave., Batavia NY 14020